The figure of a ballerina is dreamlike in waking life, so in dreams a ballerina symbolizes music, fluidity and the inner aspect of spiritual feeling....
Discover More(Hoofer, Show, Soft-shoe dancer) A hoofer in a dream represents a man in trouble ifhe dances for himself. Ifso, his parable is like that of seeds pupping on top of a fire.If a hoo...
Discover MoreA frequent dream of women. Expressing joy and sorrow about one’s body.The rhythm of life, specifically the female’s.To this day, many native peoples depict important life event...
Discover MoreDreams of belly dancing or of a belly dancer represent sensuality, sexuality, and a desire for the expression of your goddess femininity in your life.See Goddess....
Discover MoreFoundational enthusiasm from left-brain thinking. Self- encouragement for old ideas....
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