1- Nowadays, a scroll will represent an acknowledgement of a learning process i.e. the scroll presented to graduating students. It will depend on the circumstances what the exact i...
Discover MoreProcess to reach a goal. Going upward, or ascending, is always a positive dream symbol. Whether you are struggling on a difficult rope or ladder or walking up an easy slope, this d...
Discover MoreTdreaming of graduating has the same spiritual significance as winning an accolade and of initiation....
Discover MoreWhether or not you attended university or college, in dreams they often symbolize the hunger for knowledge. A dream about graduating suggests a sense of independence and success, a...
Discover MoreThis is a first glance at a quick method to analyze your dreams in five easy steps, as summarized below. Further details about each step follow in Chapters 3 through 7. Discoverin...
Discover Morelucky numbers: 07-15-26-30-32-35academy, at an: wil be threatened by someone. drilling: are in a line for a superb, high-paying position. going home: must prepare yourself for oppo...
Discover Morelucky numbers: 01-18-25-35-55-56being in: quarrels wil end with people of inferior intel igence. children going to: wil get no satisfaction from modesty. graduating from: wil disti...
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