To dream of the ocean when it is calm is propitious.The sailor will have a pleasant and profitable voyage.The business man will enjoy a season of remuneration, and the young man wi...
Discover MoreTo dream of serpents, is indicative of cultivated morbidity and depressed surroundings. There is usually a disappointment after this dream.See Snakes and Reptiles....
Discover MoreThe sea or ocean symbolizes a vast kingdom, powerful dynasty provided no filth, muck, sediments or frightening waves are seen....
Discover MoreSymbolic of a deadly, hard to kill, or persistent enemy, Isa. 14:29 ...
Discover MoreSee Poisonous Snake. More than anything else, this is a symbol of fear.It is also often a sexual symbol, and a symbol of wholeness, transformation, and rebirth, as in Ouroboros.A s...
Discover MoreThis dream depends entirely upon circumstances.If the water is quiet and peaceful, it is a good sign, whether it is the Sea, or a lake or a river. But if it is stormy or rough, the...
Discover MoreDreams of a sea-serpent symbolize the fear that unlocking your sexual desire will be unsafe, dangerous, or painful. This dream is a message for you to irrigate the murky waters of ...
Discover MoreWater is the universal symbol for emotions. How water looks and behaves in a dream is very significant.To dream of a boiling ocean symbolizes that you are being overwhelmed with tu...
Discover MoreHiding from or being trapped by animals can suggest you are feeling controlled or threatened by your urges or the emotions or feelings of others.If the animal is watching you, your...
Discover MoreDream oceans and seas represent the unconscious emotions, instincts or urges that are influencing your attitude, approach and reactions in waking life. Perhaps their most symbolic ...
Discover MoreThe origin of dreams of being chased or attacked probably dates back to an era when humans fought off beasts or other tribal members to survive. The ‘monsters’ of today are mor...
Discover MoreDream Interpretation: Dreamt about walking through a huge refuse dumpPositive Interpretation: Dreaming about walking through a huge refuse dump, contrary to what it may seem, can ...
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