Cheat Dream Meaning
1. One considers some person untrustworthy.
2. One considers oneself untrustworthy.
3. If a romantic partner is seen cheating, may indicate one is insecure about one’s sexual potency.
4. If a partner is seen cheating, and the dreamer is aroused, indicates a deep-seated need to have masochistic sex where one is dominated, perhaps defiled.
[1]Cheat Dream Meaning
Dreams of cheating symbolize a poverty consciousness, fears of being victimized and an unwillingness or inability to trust yourself.
If you are afraid someone will cheat you, listen to your instincts and recognize that the people in your life are mirrors of yourself.
See Insider Trading.
[2]Cheat Dream Interpretation
A dream of contrary.
If you dreamed of being cheated, you can expect a stroke of luck; however, if you were the cheater, you can expect to be cheated.
[3]Cheat Dream Meaning
Trying to get away with something rather than being honest with yourself.
[4]Cheat Dream Meaning
[5]Cheat Dream Meaning
A warning