If you dream about a person being fake or phony, this represents your suspicions about a particular person, relationship or situation in real life.
Fake Dream Interpretation
To dream that something is fake suggests that something in your waking life is not what it appears to be. Perhaps you are feeling unworthy or someone is undervaluing your talents or efforts. Alternatively, this dream could mean that you are pretending to be something you’re not.
[1]Fake Dream Interpretation
Dreams of a fake represents discernment and your ability to see and know the difference between that which is authentic and that which isn’t. This dream is a wake up call to acknowledge that your true self is good enough as is and doesn’t need a mask.
[2]Fake Dream Interpretation
Identifying with ego self instead of spiritual self. Pretending to be something you are not; blaming others for self-created situations. Covering up real self through fear.
[3]Fake Dream Meaning
Something that is not what it seems is a warning against gambling of any kind.
[4]Whether it concerns business or love affairs, hesitate, think it over, and then don’t do it
Fake Dream Meaning
1. A strong sense that something is not what it seems—often regarding business affairs, sometimes relationships.
[5]2. Reverse: a sense or measure of sincerity, truth.
Fake Dream Interpretation
Hypocritical, superficial, i.E.
[6]A stage of artificial plants is figurative of an insincere performance
Fake Dream Interpretation
To dream of buying anything that turns out to be a fake is a prediction of a successful business deal.
[7]Fake Dream Meaning
1. Not real;
[8]2. Façade;
3. Superficial; Luke 6:42;