It is the symbol of the passive and the undifferentiated state which may be found deep within the psyche. Chinese refer to it as “liquid silver” and it corresponds to the dragon and to bodily fluids of blood, semen, water and, at times, to the kidneys.
The planet Mercury may be seen as following the Sun (universal father; consciousness; life) and the Moon (universal mother; birth; unconscious). In Greek mythology Hermes was the messenger of the gods and the god of speed. This intelligent and quick witted immortal, easily traveled between heaven, earth and the underworld. Seeing the planet Mercury or the metal in your dream may represent your need for communication, adaptation and movement. All of these may be necessary for daily life. However, this powerful dream symbol may be calling your attention to more personal and intrinsic matters. It may suggest a need to look carefully into your internal world. By doing so, you may become aware of a need to the develop a more fluid ability to navigate within your psyche, which includes your thoughts, motives, feelings and intuition; then notice the way all of these components are translated into and effect daily life.