Unknown Dream Meaning
1- The unknown in dreams is that which has been hidden from us, or that which we have deliberately made secret. This may be the ‘occult’ that is, knowledge which is only available to initiates. It may also be information that we do not normally need, except in times of stress.
2- When we are conscious of the unknown in dreams, we should try to decide whether it is threatening or whether it is something we need to know and understand.
It is the way we handle the information rather than the information itself which is important.
3- The hidden or the Occult remains both unknown and unknowable unless we have the courage to face it. This we can often do in dreams.
[1]Unknown Dream Interpretation
If you meet an unknown person in your dream and he or she is nice looking this foretells a time of good luck for you, if the person is ugly or fearsome then will your luck turn bad.
If you are the unknown person (no one recognizes you) in your dream then this is an omen of evil befalling you like a cloud.
[2]Unknown Dream Meaning
Psychological / emotional perspective: When we are conscious of the unknown in dreams, we should try to decide whether it is threatening or whether it is something we need to know and understand.
It is the way we handle the information – rather than the information itself – which is important.
[3]Unknown Dream Meaning
Material aspects: The unknown in dreams is that which has been hidden from us, or that which we have deliberately made secret. This may be the ‘occult’ – that is, knowledge that is only available to initiates. It may also be information that we do not normally need, except in times of stress.
[4]Unknown Dream Meaning
To dream of meeting unknown persons, foretells change for good, or bad as the person is good looking, or ugly, or deformed.
To feel that you are unknown, denotes that strange things will cast a shadow of ill luck over you.
See Mystery.
[5]Unknown Dream Interpretation
1. If an unknown person appears in one’s dream, that person represents a part of oneself that is not known to the dreamer.
2. One is wondering where to seek help and advice to solve a problem.
[6]Unknown Dream Meaning
The hidden or the occult in spiritual terms remains both unknown and unknowable unless we have the courage to face it. This we can often do through dreams.
[7]Unknown Dream Meaning
Frequently used to emphasize similarities
[8]Unknown Dream Meaning