Weighing / weight Dream Interpretation
Material aspects: To be weighing something in dreams is to be assessing its worth. This image connects with the calculation of our needs and what is of value to us, whether materially or spiritually. Experiencing a weight or heaviness in a dream is to be conscious of our responsibilities. It may also suggest that we should assess the importance and seriousness of what we are doing.
[1]Weighing / weight Dream Interpretation
Psychological / emotional perspective: Weighing something up is to be trying to make an accurate decision to assess what the risks are.
If we are trying to balance the scales we are looking for justice and natural balance within our knowledge. Weight in a dream may well indicate the need to be practical and down-to-earth in waking life. We need to keep our feet on the ground.
[2]Weighing / weight Dream Meaning
Weight in a dream indicates gravitas and seriousness. We may wish to make clear in our conscious minds our own spiritual worth. Anubis, the egyptian god, assumed the role of the guide who holds steady the scales on which the hearts of the dead are weighed against the feather of ma’at, goddess of truth.