Dreams of this nocturnal bird symbolize wisdom, patience, and intuition.The owl also symbolizes Athena, goddess of wisdom, discernment, and leadership. Because of its excellent nig...
Discover More(Anchorman, Announcer, Newscaster) A broadcaster in a dream represents someone who brings news or conveys both true, as well as false stories. He also represents someone who is pu...
Discover MoreIn a dream, a dream interpreter represents happiness for a sad person and sorrow for a happy person.If one who desires to maintain secrecy around his life and goals sees a dream in...
Discover More(Awareness, Deafness, Hearing, Stability) One’s ear in a dream represents his hearing, the point of his awareness, his rank, child, property or his status.The ear in a dream al...
Discover More(zool.) In a dream, a hoopoe represents a truthful messenger, an intimate person, a spy, an arguing scholar, escape from adversities and sufferings, or leveling a building.A hoopoe...
Discover MoreAcquiring, possessing or reaching the moon means that the observer of this dream will become advisor to the king or his minister or he will be appointed head of state....
Discover MoreGenerally the moon symbolizes the kings minister or advisor. Sometimes it also symbolizes a woman or a handsome lad....
Discover More(Jami, Masjid) The main city mosque or the central mosque in a dream represents the king, the governor, or the ruler of a Muslim country, since he takes care of establishing the di...
Discover MoreSymbol: The physician in a dream is not only a symbol of your own self-healing powers, but he or she can also take on the role of an advisor, or father, an authority figure, or a ...
Discover MoreAdvisor of universal laws; guidance. Acknowledge and understand differences in universal and human laws....
Discover MoreA builder is a father figure in dreams; this is because he is a typically male figure working on the house, which represents the self. He can be a reminder of the important influen...
Discover More(Defenses) If it relates to the king or the ruler and his army in the dream, a trench then means one’s men and wealth.If the trench relates to a scholar in the dream, then it rep...
Discover MoreWands Ace: New starts, new business idea, rush of energy. Two: Planning for the future, anxiety, working partnership. Three: Business success, leading a group. Four: ...
Discover More1. Sin;2. The Kingdom of Heaven;3. Teaching that corrupts;4. Represents the unclean; 1 Cor. 5:6; Lev. 10:12; ) Matt. 16:6.I discovered that certain symbols can tell you if there is...
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