Recent Searches Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpret | Dream Dictionary

Recent Searches

Selling and collecting money in the dream

Chief indigenous

The color purple

Purple soot

Uranium dreams

Meaning of a workers hard hat

Vintage camera

Surah ikhlas recite

Your friend fading away

Guava etting in dream

What does it mean to see a crab?

Goat headcut

Four red horns

Dreaming with a cut head of agoat

Removing a gigger from your foot

Dreaming when mingling posho?

Tore ear lobe in dream

Tear ear lobe

A guy kissing me

A baby being taken away

War in sand

A baby big taken away

Orange sky dream

Giving back the lost phone

Son was handcuff

Dress dream

Extracting things from your feet

Minotaur killing an impala

Dreaming of my boyfriend giving me his atm card and pin

The meaning running with a belfoot

Face the wall

Dream of someone giving me a two wrappers

House in middle of ocean

Dream about elephant eating maize

Left balck hands

Dream of bird nest

Whats a number ssshiated wih spiders?

Icy shiver running through your ve

Clitoris cutting off

Saree material buying

Wearing matching clothes with someone

Five men cut my clitoris off

Dreaming of a jiko empty one

Three things cannot be long hidden

Chasing a mad woman

Dream of chasing amad woman means what?

Meaning of burying live person in dream

I dreamed of my late grandmother preaching in church

Wearing school bag full of books

If you dream you pregnant and playing with the baby

Throwing matooke in the river

Dream of state governor

I dream my ex mom fall into a pit toilet

Round room with no door or windows

I was back to my country

Interpretation of truck burning

Offering tea to dead person in dreams

Fleas on a cat

Stealing money from a bank

Curtain rod broke into two parts

Que es ser optimista

Eating rolex

Audiolibros de autoayuda y desarrollo personal

Frases para rechazar una mujer

Firework work accident death

Someone cut under my feet open letting my blood in a hole

Dreaming of eating mandazi with your enemy

Explosion of gas cylinder in dream

Eye with white eyeshadow

Black magic on me in dream

Being picked up and carried by a man

Dry maize separated from grain means

Dream of bright light jesus in clouds

Why do i dream of physical fights with my co wife?

Fixing electricity

Getting married in a cemetery

Dhal in the dream

Camel toe dream interpretation

Pickle monster


Palm pain

Black hands pulling me down

Hand pulling you down

Dream of person having hiv disease

Dream of a student having hiv

Slipping in water logged place

Dreaming of avocado seeds

Lump ear

A lady sweeping my room

Meaning of zobo

Crush giving me water bottle

Drink zobo in a dream

Find meaning and interpretation of drinking zobo in my dream

Burning builiding

I am taking pictures of a group of family members who feel unrecognised by me and all of them wearing white clothes?

Dream of being used for money ritual

With parents there

Soft backpacks

If you fine yourself bsthing

Two three two three angel number

Boyfriend wins bet

Noni leaf dream

Noni leaf

Keeling pindam

Train ticket 40l

Divorce women marriage

Dental implants cost

I often dream about being chased by others

Dream of finishing phd degree

Cutting my hair and hating it

Dream interpretation guide

Police arrested for investigation

Calm and shallow water and nothing around

Driving in shallow water that is calm and the water is everywhere

Sonhra com anjo lhe avisando se estou preparada

Seeing an eye in the sky

Being a healer in my dream

High school love movies on netflix

Saying audhubillahi in a dream

Audhubillahi minashaitwani rajeem

Gunman dream

Chased by a gunman

Tahajjud prayer

Dream of neighbour renovating

One one one meaning

Seeing a relative do second marriage in dream

Mashed banana

Ex leaving

Ex leaving items behind

Mad person touch woman

Men on island

A mad man my

Drowning men

What does it mean when you are walking at night?

What does it mean when you dream about being ina playu?

New girl in class

Mixing ccemrnt and sand

Husband giving mom soup

Riding carabao with a guy

Wishing someone to save you

Seeing wife laughing

Rpund carpet

Round carpet colorful

Squashed apple

Washing offal cow dresm

Buying and wearing abaya

Dreamed about a monster coming into my bedroom through the door and a tried to escape through the window and i made it to the ground the i ran down the side walk but the monster was following me

Given coke in a dream

Old man giving me two zero zero notes money

House without a stair dream interpretation

Seeing my television been stolen

Buying something in a store

Buying to unknown persons

Unknown individuals

Talking to unknown persons

Broken glass in foot

House with no stair

House without a stair

Unknown people and place

Making out with a friend

Nopal cactus supplementen

Denying beer dream

Someone upside down

Going blind in the dream

Distretto di kusu olympic

Giving money to kids

What is the meaning of rich woman visit you?

My late dad buying me things in the dream meaning

Eating of ripe plantain and red oil in the dream

Getting chocked from behind

Horrer game with friends

Someone is taking you

What is a pisces favorite color?

Laguna hedionda

Eating with dead mum

Dreaming of george michael

Toasting with milk


Toasting with milk and water

Friend getting back to her ex

Dream of eating raw eggs

Deceased husband in bed watching tv

Dog being bitten by snake

Watch ne zha two zero one nine

Dressing up so beautiful

Someone giving you a dead persons furniture


Dreaming about sick governor

Dream about asick governor

Talking mother

Being bitten by a black bird in the neck

Shooting wolf

Someone read a bible verse to me

Fixing aroplane

Looking at a rotisserie chicken

My brother had diarrhea


Asking to read bible in the church

Dream of deodorant

Calling me selfish

Dead reader

Google classroom login

Big toe surgery

Deer horn

Deer antlier

Antlier velvet

Person torturing a cat

Deer velvet

Mp3juices website

You are on a roller coaster with ur school

Driving into a stream and getting stuck between rocks

Driving into water d

Driving into a

Dead snake and blood

Snake is scared of you

Daughter playing in dirty water dream

Maternity clothes sale

Pounding cooked palm nut

Omshanri relegion

Mass grave with somalians

Simbolistica rocilor mici

Spiritual meaning of receiving blood transfusion in the dream

Software educativo

Palate of mouth falling out

Death love

Dreaming red peri peri

Internally bleeding

River flows backward

Wrestling birthday topper

Unown grandmother going infront of me with lighting candle without shoes

Wearing a wrinkled wedding dress ina dream

What does it mean if you dream catching up a grass cutter?

List one five duties as a receptionist

Dreaming someone giving me pads

Tree stick

Emerge story auction

A girl being cooked

A human being cooked

Is the nine tailed fox a demon

What does dreaming that a person gave me two journals with gold glitter on it mean?

Seeing a seraphim angel in my dream

What does it mean to dream when you have lost a motorcycle?

Burnt socket

Burnt wire

Construction incrowhill

A woman selling tomatoes in a dream

Dream meaning of finishing a race and everyone liked it

Giving someone food

Blood from nose

My daughters boyfriend died


I saw in my dream that i was very thirsty but every time i get thirsty i drink clean water directly from the cway brand water dispenser and in reality i wake up very thirsty

Dreaming of my baby inside mud what those it mean?

One one five one angel number twin flame

Buying new plates

Funny worth tilt

Eatng a plum

Diya goes off in dream

Diya light goes off


Pet dog running with me

North side

Searching for one shoe

Pet cattle dog walking with me

Putting alta on feet in dream

Walking with a dog

A picture keep inside a book

Head pouring oil

Dream about wearing tap shoes


Dream about walking in tap shoes

Oil pouring from head


Sesame harvesting

What does it mean when you dream about a snake turning into a small rabbit?

Dreaming of having good harvesting of sesame seed

The turtle bite you on the hands

To catch bush meat with your hands and kill it

Buying fried plantain

Picking ripe peppers


Grey large bird in bathroom

A mad woman physicaly takes your slipper

I was making puri in my dreams

Four elements personalities

Blue panther white room

What does it means when u dream of ur grandpa feeding u out of his mouth?

A girl wearing my boyfriend hoodie in dreams meaning

Dreaming of a white baby hoarse

Justin bieber death two zero two four

Ornamental plant types

Symbols and someone asking me to sell my soul

Dream about siddha

Dream of using a box cutter

Coyote transforms into snake

Dream a neighbor is a confidential informant

Not owing white purse in real life buy losing white purse in dream

In toxic lake

Defence department

Fish tried to eat a cat

Bleached white clothes

Getting a ticket from police

Dream about collecting clams

Dead family alive

Woman sitting on my feet

Brushing your teeth dream

Red bumpy hives on the skin

Bruises on stomach

Those on stomach

Giraffe licking me and laying with me

Demon trying to kill me

Chemical engineer technical resume sample pdf

Writing with left hand

Dream of a dream

I drive semi truck and roll

Swimming through buildings

Dream of cutting cats head off by mistake

Name george


Lion kill friend

Png keep videos

Dream with rain

Nackte frauen

Antlered stag


Verschiedene tabletten auf der hand

Fighting with my dad and he says he hates me

Burning a match

Examples of business plans

Smelling panties

Panty sniffing

Present jungle exact

Opera browser extensions

Latest bmw models

Feet being tickled

The meaning of the symbols of wearing wine cloth in the dream

A dark room then light flashes thinking i am dead but there is a table with an unknown man in a black suit with a red tie with jeans and some brown shoes and that man that i never seen him before telling open up this luggage after opening it there was one zero zero zero eruos

Someone burying me in cement

A dark room then light flashes thinking i am dead but there is a table with an unknown man telling open up this luggage after opening it there was one zero zero zero eruos

Climbing in a cathedral in zagreb croatia but its not opened yet because repairs after a earthquake in march two two two zero two zero

Being buried in cement with someone watching

Clibing in a historical landmark in zagreb called zagreb cathedral but its not opened because of repairs after earthquake two zero two zero but i have not been before

In a with cousins wife

A dark room then light with a table with a an unknown man telling open up this luggage after opening it there was one zero zero zero eruos

Clibing in a historical landmark but its not opened because of repairs

Dwon syndrome

Lion dream no

Unable to pay my bus fare

Unable to pay bus fare

Now egg hunt

Un homme peut il aimer deux femmes

Having guest and they eat food

Dream about myself

Dream about swing myself

Having to move with no place to go


Dreaming about burnt yam been thrown away

Having lung disease

Spiritual significance of seeing one two one two

Dropping phone and it shattered

Drawing on your forhead

Swimming with children

Female aggressor in dreams

Seeing an evangelist giving me a new blouse

I dreamt that my mom was wearing my dresses

Dreaming of fire burning the mountain and trees people beaten by falling stone and die

Sleeping in the bush meaning

Pink kittens and cats

Dream of a white dog with black spot

Walking in to hole and struggling to get out

Stallion horse

Dream of holding hymn book

French guinea

Dongying solar pumps perfomance

Caught in someone house

My ex call me his baby momma

My dad robbing a bank

Crush gives me sanitary pads

Ethics question miracle

Dream of internal organs

Milk mixing with water

Turning off an electric fan

Buying for dead

Brown bear spirit animal

Order of service for unveiling of tombstone


Orange motorcycle

S ing a cup of water on yourself

Chillslam riddim

Blank pages of quran

Making objects fly

Door crowbarred open

Sweeper in dream

Seeing pashupatinath smiling in dream

Rearranging furniture in a deceased home

Libros de autoayuda y motivacion

Buying a handbag

Giving away salt

Cooking goat head

Plucking ripe guavas meaning according to bible

Seeing my mother wearing my clothes

Multiple nipples

September three

Daughter saying she hates me

To see a white dog with a red eye


White dog with one red eye

Dream of stul

What is the meaning of dreaming having a conversation with wife of president into my house?

Stoop while sleeping

In my deceased grandmother kitchen

Dream of comforting a child whose mother was far from him

Saying sons name

Strangers having a party in uour house

All types of rom

Wanting to see someone

Nighttime walk


Globe and phoenix primary school colapsing

Friend moving ou

Watching a banana tree being cut

Banana tree getting cut

Colors of hair

Being chested on and it resulting in pregnancy

Frozen soup

Irs login

Lion gate

Drsaming visiting a grave of a person who is alive in real?

Dream of selling raw chicken meat

Husband saying sorry in my dream

Fixing new nails

Chicken without feathers still alive

Black clad ninja

Shein sign in

Dream of living in america with family

Warm cream cheese and abagel

My deceased father talking to my ex husband

M friend jumping off a bridge

Dreaming of cooking

Having a guardian angel following me

Ecobank omniplus login

Being a thief

Dry vegetables in the dream

Animals swimming in a clear pool

Removing leeches off stomach

Sharing and eating food in dream

Dream of giving a man matches

Dusting off my shoes

Dropping an egg

Image of one two one two

My brother was arrested

Boyfriend and mother

Shillong teer deams number new baby born

Betelnut for teer dreamnumber

Urinating in an unknown place in the dream

Palying cards

Pocket tear

Peeing in a the dream

Calories in dream

Sapne me ganpati ki murti niche girte dekhna

Ibogaine treatment centers usa

Happy mod pc download

A snack est a fish in water

Train in my yard derailed

Tangled dishing line

Train derail

Two zero two four full movies already released


What does it mean when you see maize in your dreams?

Unlock a cell phone

Being forced into marriage in a dream

When you see maize in your dreams?

Dream where you are unable to speak clearly?

A dream where you can make out works you want to speak clearly?

What does it mean when you are plucking ripe udara in the dream?

Dream of my boyfriend asking me for airtime

A dream where you are crazy?

Couple fusionnel

Furniture with handles fallen off

Handles missing from furniture

Children hanging on trees

What dream?


Some one buying my food

Inside fast food shop


Dismantle a bed

Combining hair dream meaning

Combing hair in a dream meaning

Dream step grandma says she has no more money

Long and straight hair in a dream meaning

Snake swallowing another snake

And old car

Dream about having beatiful hair

A snake swallows another snake

What does it means to dream of a snake swallows another snake?

Talking to a group of presidents

Received kola nut

I dreamt that i had six foot instead of five

Intercourse with brother in law

What does seen aso oke in a dream signify?

Pulling out metal from foot

Pinned against something

Been suck

Shooting sister

Give spoons to someone

Am looking for shaper mashine whale

Removing thorns from my fingers

Give away a bunch of teaspoons

What does vaseline represent?

I keep having dreams of a guy i like

Seeing a governor in the dream

Crush kiss on the eye in deram

Angry ganesh in dream

Driving auto rickshaw

Dreaming someone telling me i look unkept

Dancing on a coronation of a king ceremony

Meaning of seeing a panga and firewood in a dream

Water in the mall

How to explain boxplot results?


School pick up

Porter une vierge qui ouvre les bras

Cats blocking path

Captured by soldiers


Dreaming while eating mixed beans and cassava

Recovering your wrapper from someone

Kids elevator

Taking back you wrapper from someone

Pregnant woman yam dream

Boyfriend breaking girl friends virginity

Wearing a smock in a dream

What does it mean when i dream of a snake coming out of my bag?


Disappearing words on a page

I dreamt about being in london with my kid


Changing baby dipper

Given birth baby dream number

Dream eating samp without beans

Pundo vs boys

Soorah qarriah

Sword falling from sky

Card declining

Dreaming of a drumstick bone

Sleeping in coffin

Unable to recite the quran

Marriage with own husband

What does it mean when a mad man hugs me from behind in my dream?

Marriage with husband

Tudor rose in dream

Someone cut my face

Wound with bleeding in the dream

Body cover

Body coverage

Body earthed

Someone organised my drawers

Blessings by kinner in dreams



Seeing lizard in a dream and it attack on you interpretation in islam

Killing ferocious warthogs in your home

Rice sieve meaning in dream

Dreaming of killing warthogs

River carrying away my one slipper

Dream of tearing up photo

Dead mother with headache

Dead brother calling out to me to follow him

Meaning of seeing cooked rice and beans with red oil in a dream

Dream of sharing sweet for children


Attending funeral in my hometown in the dream where i saw the person i lived with until i finished shs?

What number is when u dream a stretch kids?

Looking at muself in the mirror

I had a dream where someone i know was cutting my leg nails?

Dog with open wound

I dream that i was buying fuel in the fueling station

I lay in bed and one of my sisters tries to shoot me through the window

Black cat biting my hand

Someone eating a cake

Holding a quran which is on fire islamic meaning

Driving by some one in a bus

Tilling ground

To enter keke na pepe in a dream

Dream meaning of buying wakye

Receiving thamboolam

Holding a quran which is on fire

Making a heaps

Cultivating heaps

Meaning of heaps of sand

Meaning of heaps

Temple are drowning under water

Seeing a white woman in my dream while pounding melon for my soup

Collecting garbage in my dream

Creaked feet

Feet in

The meaning of eating white sesame seed in the dream

Crake feet

Sweeping the compound

Dream of blocking the toilet and sleeping there

Dream of people sleeping in the toilet

Envolop latter

Phone call that mum is not going to live

Dreaming of ejaculation into my spouse

Teeth fillings

Stepping on feces

Logs rolling

Seeing my ex playing cards in dream

To urinate in dream

To carry someone to fly in a dream

To dream you on a speedboat on the sea

Sand eyes


Buying heroin

When you dream about dogs fighting what does that mean?

What does a dragonfly symbolize?

Plant lost

Dream of been on top of a mountain

Reciting suratul mujadilah in a dream

Dream about ex girlfriend without thinking about her

Dream about a person shes already dead few years ago but i dream that she is in a coffin



Heart family symbol

Fishy smell on male organ

Meaning of rainbow chasing you

Meaning of eaten chicken from the toilet bowl

Sperms is rotten

Strip tease dance

Strip teases dance

Strip erase dancing

Strip years

A lion ate my dog

My dog was killed by a lion

Friend does sihr

Friend does sihr to h

Bouncing water

Dreaming of buying a new car

Making of besan halwa in dream

Dreaming of buying a new car then ask my mom to drive it

Making besan halwa

Dream that am pleading someone that he is behind everything that is happening to me

Sanitary pads have a blood holding my hand in my dream

Meaning of buying a potash

Read and black gown

Eating fruits from graveyard

Two cat black

2black cat

Flower in mouth

Vegitarian men eating meat dream number

Frases bonitas por el dia de la madre

Light blue light

Wedding cake falling and break

Chopine rapidement chicken

Wood in mouth

Exhauming dead bodies

Ill person in dream

Having a disputes with your sister

Boil on leg

Boil on lwg

Too many people at ceremony

Too many people at xeremony

Goat giveing birth dream mean

Scheme brown stay

Sanitary pads with blood im holding in my dream

Sanitary pads with blood in my dream

Smell and feel you ex in your dream

Dream a friend abroad returns and meets you

Giving your enemy your wedding ring

Why did i have a dream of me putting make up on?

Going to die then wake up

Caring for a dying president and somehow in the middle gave some money to me

Cleaning a dirt

Cleaning a dir

Buying egusi

Clewaning a mess

Cheap flights from joburg to bulawayo

What does it mean when a mad man is inlove with you?

Business consulting services

Auto mobile

Finding my car

Catching whale

Moving into a house

Twisted back

Dreaming two women following me

Golden throne

I see my boss who lost his right eye?

Dream of putting off the diya

Que significa que le de pena a la chica hablar conmigo

Dreaming of a friend giving her old sandals as she pyon new ones

Libros de salud y bienestar

Ripping soy beans in dream

Blue lotus sovereignty

Saw myself in saree dressed like a bride leading the funeral of my husband dead mother dressed like a bride

Elephant giving birth baby

Dreaming of bitting someone finger

A ghost became my friend

House attack


Cabbage in dream


Shooting with a gun

Triple body person

When i loose my hook and buy a new one mean?

Seeing many girls

The meaning of the dream of sewing on the human body

The meaning of the symbols of multiple girls seen in a dream

The meaning of the symbols of multiple and women seen in a dream

The dream of sewing the body

Seeing someone get wet

Seeing my sister get eel

Mini cooper sunroof replacement

Crush taking shirt off

If someone remove marcus in his body in a dream what does it mean?

Broken electronic device

Unmarred girl wearing mangal chain

Eid ul adha

Passed lover wearing a blue suit

Known boyfriend

Known star boyfriend

A lot os palms fruit

Car squeezing

Dead mother phones me and asks how i am in islam?

Someone rubbed flour on my left hand

Police arrest nephew

You see a toothbrush

Cobra attacking

Dreaming when amad person is chasing you with a panga?

Dreaming of a panga

Champagne dreams

Elephant man race

Estrellas rojas en el rostro

Duck eggs in dreams

Dreaming my child giving me money

A dream about a famous artist giving my wife a gift

Eating rotten beef


A dream about somebody giving my wife a present

Room lights not working

Gold and dead white cat in dream

Sun moo lm and earth align

God missing

Faceless bird of brown colour flying over my head

A lot of ambulances driving in circle

Ambulance driving in circle

Car driving in circle

Red is a powerful primary color that represents

Seeing lord indra in dream

Seeing attacking hippopotamus in dream

Seeing hippopotamus in dream


Ride on

Homme avec livre ouvert

Four one six

Brother giving someone food in the dream

Rabbit meat

Ex girlfriend wearing all black on the side walk standing still staring at me with a smile

Sapne mein saanp mukh mein ghus gaya

Angel number eight eight meaning


Panj peer dargah

Dream meaning of a black polythene

Dream of a polythene bag

Scorning someone in dream

Falling into deep waters

Feeling into deep waters


Dream interpretation engagement

Pre nuptial

Pre nuotial

Mimpi menunggang domba

Keyholder with key

Awwal allah

White frankolin

Pulling mucus out of mouth

Lions eye bleeding

Indicaciones de diario de gratitud

Palm karnel interpretation

Fractional ownership by tokenised security

Jogar tarot gratuito

Fixing the garden fence

Dream that i have a lot of money

Growing green glitter out of hand

To loose some teeth in a dream

Ovary removal

Sport pulling up carpet


Thank you lord hymn lyrics

Dreamin a yellow nd black snake

Que son las emociones posittivas

Eating gold coins

Coffin in your dreams

Liquid oozing from leg

What does it mean when gold fade in dream?

What does it mean when u wear gold in dream and it begins to fade in some point?

Abnomen vibrations

Stomach vibration

Trash basket

Dreamt of water erupting upwards with my dead father and sons

Crystal orb


Turbot fish


What is spiritual meaning of bedroom door?

Om shanti

People not caring wjen you die

Dying and people not caring urinating blood ingrown hair attached to the inside of your guts coming out of the body

Picking a new charger in the dream

By cycle riding in flooded road

Carrying brief case

Meaning of an old woman that i m helping jer


Prank dream

Mensaje evitar violencia

Barbing hair

Barbing my hair myself

Flying saucers and explosion

Pooping in a trash can

Smelling sea salt

Smelling salt

Cut my ear and could see inside it

Dreaming about catching the fish

Cutting earlobe off

Cut my earlobe off

Meaning of rats eating ma under wear

Dreaming about lion

Dreaming about train

Dreaming about training

Mustard oil is s ing

Mustard oil s ing

Dreaming about giving someone money

Dreaming fighting with a dragon

Dreaming about carrying a gun

Gassing up car

In my dream i saw a bird coming down over me with something white on his feet a drop it on me what is the meaning of this?

Dreaming about clear rivers

Dreaming about a full moon

Dreaming about playing volleyball

Patner spraying black spray paint

Patner praying black spray paint

What does it mean when it rains blood in a dream?

Java plum fruit on a tree

Serving tea to people

Serving chaparts


Breaking neck of three rabbits

Serving tea to some people in cups and another in the flask

Eating bitterleaf in the dream means what?

A flask full of tea giving it to a youth pastor

A flask full of tea

What does digging a well means in dream?

Tall building looking outside

Shot while holding unknown infant

Tembok rumah runtuh

Tembok runtuh

I am a jar falling of a shelf and before i wakup up i realise it is a dream ive dreamt befor

A jar falling of a shelf

Being a jar falling o a shelf and before it shatters i wake up realising it was a dream ive dream several times before

Broken glass window

Medal help flash

Grandmother wearing pink with pearl necklace

My ex boyfriend coming home to visit me with his family and he had suitcases and he came to sit in my room with her sister and gave me his phone

Wrist to finger but middle finger cut

Wearing a pink wedding dress

Eating palm kernel

Cutting of plantain leaves in the dream

Seeing my wife loving me in dream

I went to a carnival and then somehow we ended up in between heaven and hell and then there was an elevator that you could take to go up and down and right before i woke up we had gone down to hell but i was leaving to go back to heaven what does that mean?

President stick

When a dead roster wakes up?

Talking to the president

Ex husband giving be money in a dream

Unknown beautiful place

Dream of eight had a yellow head tye on what it meaning?

Blue tang fish

President with stick

Seeing vilitigo person

King stick

Loyalty stik

Neom wellness products

Luna loves good

What happens when lakhe came in dreams?

Former daughter in law

Dead cousin come

Check engine

Swedish pattiserie

Three flies coming out my nose

Water coming from electrical socket

V vqb

Mining of elefant and numbers

Pentagon symbol satanic

Character aspect technique

Mowing lawn



Laying in clear water fish smiling with human teeth

Grain means

Colorful big fish with human teeth su kung on the side if my leg

Layer expand curtain

Being hit by a school bus

Being with a billionaire

Se comparer


Andre the giant

Which samsung phone replaced a73

Changing religion from islam

I got shot in my dream

Eating mouldy food

Dreaming your dead spouse topless

Dreaming your spouse topless

Dreaming your partner topless

Cbz internet banking

Urine on floor

Dream that my identity was stolen

To sit at the back in church mean what in dream?

My ex being homeless

Metal clanging

To see your self in dream sitting at the back in church mean what?

Someone gave me sweets food

Someone gave me a leche plan

Bee signae

In love with doctor

Dating a doctor

Drilling a hole in my head

Winbox download mikrotik

Black copra snake

To marry your girlfriend

Mom daughter fighting

Defacating in public in workplace

Deceased husband not really dead

Madman giving money in dream

Mold on the wall

Buying potatoes and yam

Birds representing freedom

Sand pit

Eating rice and beans in your dream meaning

Cleaning blood from floor

Partner faints while driving

Partner faints while driving on bridge


Snake biting kids

Something old made new

Goats blood on hands

Dead person picture apair in a dream what does it means?


Dreams about needles

Dead person picture


Sun wukong taking me on adventure through the sky

Sharping a dull knife

Received chadar in dream

Tofachik paperless instant s

Sonhar que quebrou dentes

Run someone over with a boat


What does it mean when someone call you selfish in a dream?

The horn of snakes

Someone in the shower

Getting in water with shoes

Seeing in my dream that they came to ask for my daughter

Nighttime at the beach

Mum pregnant with baby girl

Uninvited humans taking over my home

Maryum flower

Sonhei que orinaa na gaveta

Prince carrying me

Roses on a mirror

Having diarrhea in dreams

What if we give flattened rice other in dream?

What if we give other flattened rice in dream?

What if we see flattened rice in dream?

Eating boiled yam late mother

Reading a news paper

Seeing someone suicide

Giant horses flying into the house

Dreaming being in one classroom with my boyfriend

Preparing a tea flask to a pastor

What does it mean when u prepared tea flask to a pastor?

I saw cotton pad with my period blood

Fifa one nine pc dowload gametrax

Many new bobby pins

Eating boiled yam given to you by your late mother

Dreaming a deceased mother asking for ginger

Water rushing down a mountain

Deceased asking for ginger

Seeing my boss

Crying and sleeping on the road weeping


Weeping and lying down on the road

Collecting objects

Zimbabwe vs kenya africa cup of nations qualifer l

Collecting things

Having with own sister

Goat attacks you

Hand on head


Today international games

To be stolen your cards

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