Recent Searches Dream Interpretation
Dream Interpret | Dream Dictionary

Recent Searches

Cutting of bamboo tree

Iman ali

Hazrat ali in dream

Mud withe clothes

I dream about an tombstone of my guy current girlfrien

Dreaming falling in the mud with withe clothes

Wind and water

Seeing cross in the dream

Black in physcology

White kolanut in dream

Struggle swallowing s

New born twins

The meaning of the symbol of escorted seen in a dream

Dream meaning of caring water

Unicode space

Pink isiwasho being s ed in front of you

Dreaming getting my test results positive that i am pregnant

Having r100 in your pocket and pink isiwasho

Finding money in a pocket

Dreaming of carring for newborn twins in the hospital

Be with someone else in a haunted house

Haunted dog

Eating with a mad woman

Up down cross

Buying matook

Cradle decorated with flowers

What is the meaning of someone to buy palm wine?

Casa zero six

Blue wool ball

Spirogyra growing on the legs

Dream catching a turtle

Dreaming of flying in dreams

Relatives are scolding me

Dreaming of someone buying you good perfume

Worm in fruit dream

Maths tool

Mathematical tools

What does it mean who a person harvests ukpo to sell in the dream?

Dream of greating okro

Dream being given a packet of sugar


Victoria falls airport transfers

Killing my twin

What does it mean if i killed my twin in my dream?

What does it mean to exploit someone?

Gravy boat in oven

Tecnica significado

I had a dream i had two little girls

Someone throwing urine

Being chaced by a man with three sword arms

Red horses

Tao te ching que significa

Dream of buying kenkey from the market

Female circumcision dream meaning

Meeting with a guy i fancied

Dream about meeting an old flame

Suffocating to death

Saying namaste to unknown people in dreams

Getting killed by cows

Apple macbook warranty and insurance

Giving out flyers meaning inthe dream

Tamarind tree with ample of tamarinds

Dream of jumping out of a dustbin

Dreams about dating my lesbian friend and im straight

Dream number periods

Collecting pads

I had a dream of hosting my royal king

The big mango tree having hues of mango

Dreamnt seeing my church leader in the dream

Chaping birds

Impala hunted by lion


Dreaming about miriam

Dreaming of couleuvres

Cool colour combinations

Car cleaning and detailing products

Ukuchama lele

A lot of bread in dream meaning

Dream about a snakes on our roof and monitor lizard on our room

Black forest cake dream meaning

To see cake

Being chased by my ex husband with a knife

Famous landmarks



Hen and chicks falling into latrine

Poop or vowel

Lots of vowel or poops

Seeing village uncles

Death uncle driving bike

Moyo v chidumo

Smiling bad

Enuka kabi

Deasead father

Itel a50c

Deceased buying a white dress

Why are some people unable to be alone with their thoughts?

Mistress of my husband angry with me

Swallow cowries in the dream means

Seeing sitting with the prime minister in a dream

Dream about deer

Double diff landrover

Unripe papayea

Unripe papaye

My shoe heels got cut off

Wife as mistress

Cat killing puppies

Urinating a child

Red person

Seeing my partner falling off a cliff

Online in the pc

Someone you love wearing an animal costume

My parents separation

My father seducing me

Caught lizard

Consoled while crying

Vomiting and diarrhoea

Dating and old man

My mother dream about me getting stab and die

Pulling bugs out of nose

Chicken eating human poop

Difference between transcendence and autonomy in psychology

I chasing cat in dreams


Dreaming that someone leaves you their children to care for them

The state of being honest is

Mixing batter

Dxdiag tabs and their functions

What is the chakana?

Someone being pulled from my bed

Vaccine card sample

Cooking oil s ing on floor

Dreaming of a baby aloe vera plant with the mother aloe plant

Project contracts

Without dupataa in market

Horoscopo personalizado

Bakers inn

I see my mother and someone exactly same like her

Harry meghan car breakdown

Dream of a thick discharge coming out of your body

Century sainik seven one

What does a hummingbird symbolize?

Dream of not having enough money to buy the items

House being torn down

Volley ball

Dent in back of skull

A guy from insta calls me beautiful in my dream

Acadia national park

Embroidery string

Husband hiding money from me and lying about it

Dreamt of karuppaswamy

Aklinab cantopher meaning

Getting messages from men i used to talk to

Someone stealing mango

Driving drunk and crashing

Swimming ocean dream meaning

Black rock under water

Finding eggs

Crow eating eyeballs

Car apple driving

Finding eggs

Swimmimg ocean

Butterfly in a spiderweb

I car an apple while driving

Apple eating car

Tesla cars

Dreaming a china

Dreaming giving a opposite geder peanuts

Billed antelop


Boiled antelope in a dream

Dying with maggots

Zanu pf constitution pdf

Dream of a child coving there head scared of being hit

Dead sister been arres

Dreamed of my sister getting shot and dying

Abraham maslow

White shoulder bag

Seeing a panga mean

Dreaming about wearing push in shoes

My ex husband comes home


Seeing dead bodies floating at the seashore

Sucking manhood

Receiving a bundle of bhagi

The two wolves and the choice story

Free online games

Stranger walking in my backyard

Climbing a mountain with stairs

Dream chicken and chicks flowing on water

Is it normal to dream about my ex guru

Spirit animal guide

Is it normal to dream about bishop lekganyane

See frying puff puff

Sodomy dreams


Dream eating cooked goat limb

Dream about coose

What does it mean to dream someone hiring a hitman?

Who killed jfk?

Having demoneyes

Dreaming having a physical fight with my boyfriend

Having physical fight with your partner in a dream

Heic to jpg converter

Seeing yourself in the mirror with demon eyes

Swarm of alligators

Animal drawn tillage implements images

Dream of dropping food

Receiving white shoes from my brother

Space rock

Wearing nysc uniform

Dreams about scholarships

Dreaming being carried by a donkey

Strangers pulls my teeth out pliers

Giving dupatta

My dead grandmother feeds me food

When you dream a maroon injeti?

Killing snake in my dreams

People washing a dead person

Pomegranate meaning

People giving ghusal to a deceased

Eating dirt in a dream

Alice lenshina

Calculating mass with force and acceleration

The meaning of seeing fresh oha in ur dream


Gifting red lingerie

Soussevleix dunes

Shark tattoo with shadow

How to multiply fields in access?

Fried groundnut gift

Pvc non return valve

Swimming in clean but rough water

Wearing someone elses clothes

Tshwane university of technology

Dream of flying over a big city

One zero one zero meaning

Going out with friends then losing track of them

Seeing my plot of land

To see big trees fallen and cut into logs in a flat and empty land

Do eye has surface

Dreaming of putting on unrses uniform

Oneself with chicken pox

Ram attacked but missed and yiu attack back and beat off the animal

Seeing a herd of sheep and being attacked by one of the ram

Light blue silk blouse

Damaged tables

Rained fruits

Priviledge designs

Broken tables

Repairing a vehicle

Dream interpertation kissing ybe cheeks

Corn and ground nut dream meaning

Peeling of pawpaw in a dream

What the meaning of we have a slippery rock to climb?

Dream of white dog

Raining fruits

Racing fruits

Shea butter smeared on the body and hair

How to use a bread boared?

Ex dead lover

Belly band printing

Seeing someone who does sihr?

Professing love

Springvale in ruwa map google

House of cards on bed falls

Mouth with a scar along lips

Warm hand held

Dreaming of a dead person apologize

Layland automotive engineering

Someone is going to hurt you

Someone telling you someone is going to hurt you

Dreaming of marrying in a blue dress

Buying of body lotion in the dream

Animal peeing on me

Three three three angel number

Dreaming of cancel marriage of some one else

Its a great day to be a golden eagle

Walking under a doorway

Urine of others

Zulu hat

Black dots on tongue

Small black spots on tongue

Teacher exposing mail to the class

Three strange woman planting devices in my bedroom

Three strange woman in my room

Dreaming about crushing

Dreaming seeing a bus crushing someone

Dreaming of monkar and nakir

To see how stupid they are?

Barefoot running a marathon in a dream

Simbolo sol e lua qual o significado

Finished a marathon barefoot and got a medal

To weed grass in the palace

Png kuap videos


Rejina mount high school in gweru

Barricading myself in my home against outside forces

Dream of eating raw cassava

What is butterfly minute meaning?

I am stealing blue shoes

A rabbit peeing

Nun putting a spell on me by tying knots in my hair

A nun putting a spell on me

Painting a house blue

Someone trying three knots in my hair

I dreamt of a white snake

Husband kissed his ex

Jumping up and down on a bed

Horoscopo do dia escorpiao

Pluging tangerine from a tree

Dream while gathering flowers

Wcctv free download

What causes cervical cancer in females?

Starting a business when you re broke and hungry ted?

Steeling blue shoes

Steel shoes

Online grocery delivery service

Black bumps on both arm

I see my head in a bucket

Black pygmy

Dreaming of losing teeth

Oxblood color in a dream

If you give a guy maggi in dream what does it mean?

What does head in a bucket means?

Blood coming frim a cow

Working in the fields

Dream of dragons

Dream of delragon

Dream of chasing

Dream of black dog

Digging your garden

Dream of black snakes

Church in the sea meaning

See two boy

Dreaming of a lion and an elephant but all not attacking me

How to be more attractive to someone you want?

Eating something that is not food

Eating sunscreen

Udla ithumbu elosiwe

Dreamt my house building has broken done

Dreaming of my former boss diging soil

Husband driving a truck with me and his friend

I dream about someone give me a gift of card


Nombres de dioses otomanos


Caressing a woman

Number two four six zero

Dream of bedsheet

Giving alot of animals water to drink in dream meaning

Acapella softwares for pc mod

Trainer insoles

S ing hot oil

White oleander

White oleander growing inside me

Dream about mango

Dream of eid

I dreamt that i forgot my bag and the bag was returned to me by a ghost

Gifting milo in the dream

Cant turn on light

With mad woman

A dream eating cassava mixed with beans

Goblin trident

Scratching off walls

What does it mean to dream white pure eggs?

It explores the impact of donor funding private sector investments and public-private collaborations on promoting the development of digital health capabilities

Eight four eight four

Sleeping with someone who has passed many years ago?

Rainfall on funeral

Egg curry

Fish and chip shop

A white dog urine on the small fire use to burn food

Name a few editors for python

Pazvakavakirwa zibako one one zero four

Dream a crow bites your fingers

A white dog urine on the fire

Pleasantry with a hunchback

Greeting a person with a hunchback

Woman wearing rapper

Woman hearing rapper

Exchanging greetings with a hunchback person

Coloring therapy and relaxation

Logic drink shop

Wearing ove size clothes in dream

Paradigms in psychology

The queen

Dreaming of electricity going out in the whole house but only my upstairs room has light

Dreams of someone giving you muthi

Ges selandr drimnombr

Ges selandr

Talking with a prophetess

Dream of seeing myself in a room with no door and no window

Similarities between adhd and ld

Talking transgender

Dental dam

Dream of dead grandma

Chocolate cand

Structure of a bean seed

Black dog playing with girl owner

Taking vibhudhi and kukumam in temple


Dreaming pregnant woman fighting a mad woman in a dream what does mean?

Carpets with piles of blood


Blood carpet

Receiving bunch of banana in a dream

Front seat of a car or bus

What is the meaning of sleeping with a mad person in the dream?

Washing a sheep

Sitiing in the passenger seat

Stolen personal items

Gringo cake

Image of institutional theory

Washing a sheep of my teacher

Being a daughter in law to the president

Dogs related to number seven

Broke wardrobe

Brenda fassie thola amadlozi mp3 seven two two nine six lyrics

Burden carrying upstairs


Stolen business

Scales of justice zodiac sign

Boy friend cooking

Watermark remover tool

What is the difference between religious and spiritual?

Dream meaning of killing snakes

Seeing mango

Dream of jumping high

Outline types of ventures

Dream running and hide in the toilet

Dream about almost missing food

Binary arithmetic using logic gates

Saw a river by the temple

Microsoft edge premium features

Dreaming about shirt in barket

Donky attack

Dream where someone ignores your hand shake?

What does it mean when you dream about son bitten by a snake?

Long nasal hair

Dead man sleeping on top of his grave

Nahui ollin

Picking millet

Picking millet in the dream

Is constant zoning out even when well rested a symptom of adhd?

The meaning of the dreaming person who is already dead re buried again?

Seen seven chiefs in white apparel

Death of leader

Czemu nie moge dzisiaj soac

Am doing hard work in my dream every time what is the meaning?

What is meaning of this dream when you dream you pick money on the way?

Killing bush mice

What is the meaning of our banana plantation burnt in the dream?

Karuppasamy dreams

Eating okro soup and pounded yam

I dreamt that my brother in law is angry at his wife and he was about to go drink wine because his angry

I dream about my two deceased brother in law thecsaid he is very angry with her

Buying pants in the dream

Glass water

What does it mean to pray for someone?

Selling clothes in a shop

Sesame in a dream

Sim sim seen in a dream

Bitten on the

Dreaming my sister fall into a hole

Qual o mes de cada signo

Chasing my daughter

Was threatening and was being threatened too

Dreaming of black clay pot

I was doing both threatening and was being threatened too but the boy was with me moiz

Cleaning up a bloody crime scene



Meanings of break fences in dreams

Dreaming of your girlfriend in menstruation

What piaget stage does a child understand a made up story?

Crocodile at home

Drowning in sand

Dreamt of fighting someone who wan sent to kill me with a broom?

What is a introvert?

I saw my hair short in dream

Fat arms jiggling when waving and someone laughing?

Ream of dead grandmother giving desserts to me to offer to birds

Dream of dead grandmother giving sweets to me to offer to birds

Dream meaning of holding drunken person

King performing his rituals

Many water sprouts

I dream of receiving money in my dream

Markov chain lecture

Throwing hot oil on someone

Chair blocking door

When my old sick mother gave birth to quadruplet?

One three significado espiritual

Dead sister comes to visit me in childhood home then leaves and the door blocked by chair prevents me from getting to her

Chair blocking door trying to go get my sister in her car

Dreaming about a o

Chairs blocking front door childhood home

Vomiting white rice non stop from top of house

Book crowne plaza dubai

Raw chicken egg

Car loss

Loss car

What does eating of plantain chips means in a dream?

Color that signify new beginning

Every thing i touch turned to gold

Peeled sugar cane

Tips for improving vlog audio clarity

Random dog asking to be fed cake

Dream of picking watermelons

Saber o futuro gratis

Eating chicken with rice

Four two two numero angelical

Haunted movie theater

Fat shift pretty

Que significa sustancia depresora

Two two one one angel number

Standing up scene

Two beavers

Extremsport reisen

Yoga clases online

Neutral blanco jabon

Bus rezvipoko episode one

Dreaming of getting married to a white guy

Threatening man standing over me

One six one six angel number meaning twin flame

Confronting entities

Toleante significado

Sonhar com uma outra pessoa

Dhaan kuteko sapanna dekhnu

I saw my former boss giving me notes of money in the dream

Black choker

Matavi africa

I rescue someone from drowning under water

I rescue someone from sweep away

If you dream that someone is drunk and misbehaving

Found my child


Coffee with the milk

Hearing coffee with the milk

Mirtazapine stopped working

Unclie saree

Fearful avoidant attachment style

I give new clothes to my dead grandma

Ash shiva

Police women

Arco red star symbolism

Black symbolism

Shot in left ear

Kerosine dream interpretation

Bought kerosine and it poured away

Deceased loved one poops in dream

Food falling on the floor

Drawings girls cute with pencil

Color turquesa

Dreaming removing wires from my chin

Brother and boyfriend fighting

Injini elivuthayo

What is the meaning of this dream cleaning the yard of the hospital?

Dreaming to be most beautiful woman

Headlights turned off

Dream of angels throwing money at me

Light switched off

What does the number five two three mean in numerology?

List down all the processes thacyclic amp is involved in and its functions

Seeing mangalsutra with kumkum and haldi on it

Dream of spitting out back teeth an it smells stinky

Dreams of loosing your jaw teeth

Dreamed i had a warrant out for my arrest

Free downloadable editable invoice templates

Eating my own teeth

Dead person with poop

Meaning and interpretation of receiving white shirt in a drea


Ayyapa mala in dream

Animal resuscitation

What is the meaning of a world tipping and its red?

Dream of a friend walking in behind you

Hairbrush given as a present

A box of hairbrushes

Someone stabing themself

Dream someone stabing themself

Brother wedding cancelled

Holding a raw sheep head

Significado de sonho cortando o cabelo

Emergency mode

Saving someone from eating poison

Diagram rate maid

Lots of dust and cobwebs

Someone tried to kill me in islam

Snake transform to cat

Drink raw egg in dream

Basa mangwanani

Someone offering you peanuts

My worker beating me

Emerald water

Seeing a lot of blood clots in your dream on the ground

Baby stuffed like turkey

Full baby

Stuffed baby

Snake biting in the arm dream mean

Rever de salon de coiffure

Kitten nursing with long tongue

My mom becomes a demon

Kitten tongue

Sun moon bright stars in dream

Dream about prepared plot of land

Peeing in a purse

Child givin me money

Seeing a woman bathing in a sink

Nans house

Important items in your purse being unattended and then stolen

Dream of metal nails

What does it mean when k dream about my jewelry tarnishing?

Dream of eagle feather

Speed at which isuzu air bags deploy

What is the meaning of seeing someone breaking palm kernel in my dream?

Stabbing someone and crying

Stabbing someone then crying

Headlights approaching

Metal balls different shapes in mouth

Receiving dry food or dry goods means

Money in sim card

Burnt orange meaning

Toddler meal plan template

Dreaming of someone saying you have a bad luck

What do mice represent spiritually?

Anxiety digital support forum

Long hairs on female chin

Signo peixe

Gsa advantage

Mimeo digital

Receiving sycamore fruit in the dream

Eye angel

Sycamore fruit being rec

Solid rainbow

Seen knit


Some one giving sycamore in the dream what does it signify?

My mom killed me

Attending a friends grandma funeral and her wedding on the same day

David kanduna

Fighting black figure

Gmail inbox

Butterfly tattoo meaning

The meaning of the symbol of buying ga kenkey seen in my dreams

Assasination of president

Protected by religious person from falling down in islamic dream interpretation

Protected by religious person from falling down in islamic interpretation

Groover two zero one four paper on robotic systems and human error

Hot cooking oil fell on my feet and i ran to a water pit

Green colour knitting

Best gift for birthdays

Dream of wedding and funeral of friend in the same dream

Dream of wedding and funeral in the same dream

Dream of wedding and funeral at same time

Oregano oil making me feel anxio9us

Meaning of three leaf yam in dream

Dnt in dreaming


God parents

A mad man demanding my clothes for his money

Mirrors cracked and taped

A cat is seen dead but later came back to life

Sonhar comprando uma casa


Sleep with a tiger

What knd of people dont ask questions?

Trying to get across the street but a lot of truck are in the way

Flying fo objective

Picture of a lion

Spat on my mother


An old lady spat on my mother


Beautiful flowers

Seeing your son in your dream

Bugs in soup

Throwing away nut shells

Ytd downloader online

Stealing a carmel

Drc on map

English four seven zero double rifle for sale

What does it mean a pink bracelet from a lover in a dream?

Happisburgh lighthouse england

Neom wellbeing fragrance pod

When a deceased person tells you that they are tired?

Someone doing a ritual on you

Nature symbolism

Aster mystica flower

Closing bank account

My mom faked her death but she is alive

Dreaming of meeting boyfriends family

Tending cows in a dream

Taking care of cows in a dream

Cattle herding

Tanby pictures in clock and dagger

Winx club season two full episodes

Running away from black plaque

Tsumo nezvadzinoreva muchishona

Manhattan interiors

Moldy refrigerator and food

Snake entering my vigina

Giving someone coconuts

Broken alcohol bottle

Taking a picture with no picture

What is the meaning of eating a mango in dream?

Burning phone in my dream

Sitting with a lady in a dreams means

Dream of toys trying to kill me

Nipple suckling by mad man in dream

My giving me native chalk to drink in the dream

Bing ai write a letter to a client asking for estimated order for next year apologies for delays in delivering order for this year

Driving in wrong dorection

Smart wifi routers usb type that support sim card

Cousins house

House with large ceiling

House with large roof

Someone who looks like my father showing me a house?

Someone throwing rock at my window

Meaning of aloe vera plant

Milk spots in the floor

Crossing mudding waters

Picking up wooden pegs

Crush puts arms on your shoulder

Mad person giving seen in a dream

What does it mean for someone to ask for your name?

Giving someone pepper in dream

Hand icecold


Rubbing lotion on a deseased son

A man wrecks a boat filled with oil because his wife is pregnant


Clay plate falling and break from your hand


Cleaning woman

A dream about you i taking photo with a group meaning

A dream about you i taking photo with a group

Drip irrigation by netafim

Dream meaning of someone you know winning a beauty pagent

Trevose head lighthouse england

Is it good to see plenty fufu in your dreams

My crush in a black dress

Youtube to video

Delivering empty amniotic sac

O segnificado de sonhar que estou em cima de uma escada

For seeing plenty fufu and i pick what does it meanat of it?

Buying a castel

Meaning wet dream

War heads

Dreamin picking up alot of nutmeg

Missing mirror from wall

Cimas healthcare clinic

Fleas with cats

Midrand joburg distance

Dream of getting old

Pen with no ink

Dream cup trophy

Quora as a source of writing info

I am pregnant and also is the wall gecko in my house

I had a dream pus coming out from my leg finger

Throwing rice into flowing water means

Dream meaning of seeing bread and coconut given to me by a friend

Fight with transgender

Someone else washing clothes in my house

You see jaman fruit in dream

Eating cow dung meaning in dream

Buzzing flying insect

Beans on a pot

Dreaming i said the shadah

Saying the shahdah

The name heather

Meaning of selling chickens in a dream

Check in

Bf got jumped and kidnapped

Zero nine zero nine angel number

Someone acquiring land

Throwing stones on a mango tree and plucking it

Dream of dog sleeping on my shoulder

Maori symbol of power and strength

I was being bullied by some students of class in my dream

Depression icd one zero

Bowling green

Late father asking a tea

Cremeting someone

Sleeping with your husband brother in a dream

What does mean when i am intimate with someone in dream?

Catching a bird of prey


Running in high heels

What does it mean to carry a baby in the shoulder in my dream?

Dream of roasted cassava

Lintel simbolyse

Dream eating roast cassava in a dream

Dogs biting you

Falling anointing in the dream

A death prophet praying for you

My husband ask to cook fried rice through whatsapp

Gray skeletal alien

Dream meaning of receiving kunkum and termeric

Dreaming of cross pendant swallowed

Being given clean water in a clean clear glass

Missionary portal login

Girl sitting alone

Dream of someone losing their hair

Dreaming of seeing a bunch of matooke falling down

Big ice block

I dream where i was in a building without a stairs or no where to go out?

My dream was playing with president and also walking with president

A dead person wearing a purple dress

Ex bf my

Eating puff puff in the dream

A pregnant woman that is buying yam in dream meaning

Eating magazine in a dream

Carrying a coffin in a dream

I dreamt that i found my lost gold toe ring but it was broken

Give up on yourself

Receiving a sword as a gift

Buying exercises book

Dream of showing a blind man way

Ex riding motorbike

Daughter stabbing father with a knife on stomach

Spider hatchlings cute duster

Ex boyfriend cringing

In my dream i got new handloom bag colour and green colour mix in dream

What does it means to buy garri in the market place?

Dreaming of receiving meat in dream

My father marrying a young woman in dream

Olympic tortoise output

Selling dried cocoa beans at a price value

Grandma died

Dream of selling cocoa

Forced to see a corpse

Fish swimming out of mouth

Killed my grandma

Dreaming about white dead girl

Someone giving you a new waraper to try on

Eating seeds in blue waters

Eating seed in the water

Eating seed at the river

Eating lemon seed at the river

Being fed lemon seeds

Rhodesian camo

Commando crawling

Being a second wife in the dream

Wallet drops in the toilet and picks it up

Fruit fallen from heaven

Killing bushbaby in my dream

Dream boyfriend get someone pregnant

Picking up coins

Boyfriend get someone pregnant

Fantasy leopard fun

What is perceptual set?

Stealing biscuit in a drem

Sil ka dikha

Building software applications

Dream about eating pounded yam with soup and meat

Deceased father gave me a beanie in a dream

Seeing someone serving a mass in a church

Husband gets fat

Somone wearing a brown jacket in a dream psychological interpretation


Meaning of eaten raw cassava in a dream

What does it mean to dream about green couch?

What is the meaning of eating pounded yam in the dream?

Iecms log in

Cassava flakes

Consuming babies

Eating babies

Meaning of playing with a mad man in the dream

Throwing away a used pad

Smelling matches

Being attack with cutlass on my head on my head


Sewing with my deceased grandmother

Fire in the sea

Killing pourche rat in a dream

Taking new clothes

Eating cow stomach

Dreaming of a very clean leg in the sky

Mehendin applied on hand but after washing no color of mehendi found

Women applying kumkum

To see a new house

To get a dog in gift

Nostalgic and disgusted at the same time

Apostle andrew

Apostle john

Given airtime recharge card in the dream

Dream of your father giving you a chocolates

Dreaming two wives in bed

Dream of protecting a president with two guns

Caught in tornado

Smok in my car

Spitting pieces of plastic

Dream theme

What does nine represents in a dream?

Sweeping groundnuts under bed

Mudra beauty rohs

What is the meaning of preparing fufu in dream bibilical?

I saw many lions following me and running behind me but i hid and they

Radio personalities

Tuching feet of elder

Stole my engagement ring

Eating sugary food

Dream that someone stole my engagement ring

Turtoist shilong teer dream number

Seeing a wedding environment of someone

Seeing a wedding environment

What does it mean when a girl twerk in your face?

Agorigal kanavil vathal

God idol missing from my mandir

Statue of jesus on cross bleeding

Fortify was the word brought to me in a dream

Rupert spira non-duality

Someone gave me coco yam in the dream

Dreaming of someone has stolen your used sanitary pad

Goat gives triplets in dream

Delta symbol

My apartment building was crumbling while i was inside

Dream with baby

Adolf hitler

Blood on white carpet

Corcodile meat

One two one two

Eating corcodile

Moutain top

Moutain tap

What does it mean when you dream about ovulating in your dream?

What does it mean when you dream about ovulating in the dream?

Economic inflation chart matching with gold prices of zimbabwe

Sharpening a panga in dreams

Sharpening a panga



Glas plate

Plucking ripe lime from tree

Angel cloud blowing trumpet

Plucking ripe lime



Big stick in the skin

Right hand holding a light

What does it mean to dream where you are walking on a dry ground and all of a sudden water like ocean covered the entire place?

Boyfriend visits my family and giving my mother money

No light to our house

Trapezium area calculation images

Biblical meaning of dreams book

Eating selroti made up of jaggery

What does it mean if u see your husband dead in a baby carriage?

Dream of normal person run mad

Dreaming of triplets and one dying

Technical science paper two graad

Number one six one one

Retirement village

Eating mattress in a dream

Eating dirty mattress

The judge sentence me with one six one one

What is the meaning of we see lakhe on my dream in my house?

Being kicked by a horse

You dreamt that someone give you salt

Terrain music artist

Eight of wands

Holding space meaning

Seeing my pastor car in my dreams

Kiss lips

Dead father in boy bag

Drakensberg sun activities

Sdk emulator directory is missing

Black feather white stripes

Husband whips wife

Voltz jt car collection

Government electronic procurement service

Supernatural threat

Cat hurt

Seeing a gosple artist in a dream

Sitting along side with a renowned gosple artist in a night vision

Lion attacking in dream

Dried earth

Dried eart

Yahoo mail login

Discuss three reasons for multinational company investment in developing countries

Almost caught spying in dream

Caught spying in dream

Spying in dream

Trees for life

I saw many calsmabdi in my dream

Dry tamarind seeds in the ground


Giving birth with baby boy

Pouring water on someones feer

Seeing a friend going to mudrasa

Submitting my cv

Symbols for surrender

Dream of three empty graveyard

Blisters on my foot

Elearning msu

What does it mean when you dream of a monster chasing you?

Priest giving you money

Small hole in clothes

Seeing fresh kapenta in your dreams