An approach suggested by Carl Jung. In essence it is to honour what the dream states. In the dream quoted above under amnesia, David is sleeping on a mattress, but it could have be...
Discover MoreItems that amplify or magnify, like eye glasses, microscopes, and telescopes, instruct the dreamer to look closely at something. Scrutinize and analyze any information that comes y...
Discover MoreComing upon a speaker in an incongruent place may bnng attention to the need to express feminine values, as in “speak her.” The appearance of a speaker may, more simply, amplif...
Discover MoreBecause metal is a conductor of energy, heat and power, dreams of piercing one’s body signifies the desire to amplify power or rank within a social circle.The significance of the...
Discover MoreDreaming of an ear symbolizes your desire to amplify your innate ability to hear what is going on around you. Dreaming about an ear can also forecast a memorable occurrence.See Hea...
Discover MoreDreams of glamour represent beauty as power; a desire to amplify your energy and status by enhancing your attractiveness. Perhaps your dream is showing you that you’ve allowed a ...
Discover MoreIf a sound or a voice is particularly loud in your dream, then an important message is being conveyed. Consider what the sound represents.If the sound is dissonant, then this dream...
Discover MoreDreams of step aerobics symbolize that you are making step-by-step progress toward your goals. Your subconscious mind is either giving you the message to engage more actively in th...
Discover MoreDreams of the zone diet signify your desire for optimum health, youthful vitality, your willingness to trim the fat out of your life by eliminating all that no longer serves you, w...
Discover MoreThe primary use of a microphone is to amplify the voice.The voice is the center of your power as an expressive human being.A microphone in a dream connects to a need or desire to i...
Discover MoreDreams of charity symbolize your connection with your divine nature and amplifying your magnetism for blessings to come your way. In dreams or in real life, acts of charity connect...
Discover MoreA tunnel incarnates your interior world. For this reason, if you dream of a tunnel in which there is only darkness, it means that you should pay attention to your feelings to get o...
Discover More“I can never decide whether my dreams are a result of my thoughts, or my thoughts the result of my dreams. It is very queer. But my dreams make conclusions for me. They ...
Discover MoreIf there’s any such thing as a shortcut to finding dream meaning, this is it. The majority of dreams convey meaning using one of just a few forms of symbolism. So, chances are th...
Discover MoreUniversal Landscape: Instant, but temporary shift of consciousness.Dreaming Lens: Were you using drugs in your dream? Was someone else? What types of drugs were involved? Were they...
Discover MoreInterpretation Techniques—Amplify Definition and Purpose of Amplification Amplification in dream interpretation involves magnifying elements of a drea...
Discover MoreSaturn is a Roman deity representing the Golden Age. He is associated with the Greek god Cronos. Cronos was a Titan, the son of Uranus and the father of Zeus (Jupiter). Cronos deth...
Discover MoreDreams in which you appear dead or are dying are unlikely to presage your actual death.If you were struck down by a disease in your dream, then your unconscious may have been ampli...
Discover MoreBelow are described simple techniques which make it possible to gain information quickly from dreams. They have been put as a series of questions. What is the background to the dre...
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