Apple Dream Meaning
Apple Dream Interpretation
The apple is a powerful symbol in various contexts, including mythology, religion, literature, and dreams.
Symbolic Meanings
- The apple is associated with wisdom, knowledge, and freedom.
- It can also represent temptation, guilt, and forbidden fruit.
- In dreams, apples can symbolize love, fertility, and the desire for knowledge.
Cultural References
- The apple is associated with various mythologies, including Greek and Norse.
- In Christianity, the apple is associated with the Garden of Eden and original sin.
- The golden apple was associated with the goddess Aphrodite.
Interpretations in Dreams
- Apples can represent emotional satisfaction and abundance.
- Ripe apples symbolize financial rewards, while green or tainted apples suggest potential losses.
- Apples can also represent love, temptation, and guilt.
Overall, the apple is a complex and rich symbol that can represent a variety of concepts, ranging from knowledge and wisdom to temptation and guilt.
Apple Dream Meaning
To see apples growing in a tree in your dream symbolizes wisdom and that wellearned rewards will be gained in the future. Consider also the common phrase, ’an apple a day keeps the doctor away’; this may imply that you need to take better care of your health. To see green apples represents developing love or love that has yet to blossom. To see a rotten or half-eaten apple in your dream denotes that what you are striving and aiming for may not only be unfulfilling; it may even be harmful to you. A popular image of the comforts of home and childhood, apple pie probably reflects a desire to return to the security of childhood. Old rivalries and resentments may be expressed if you appear to be served a smaller slice of pie than the others present in your dreams.
Apple Dream Interpretation
The apple should be interpreted with the consideration of all the other details in the dream. Is the apple a symbol of positive movement and spiritual and emotional liberation, or is it a symbol of runaway passions and the resulting negativity? Are you giving into temptation and making hurtful choices or are being wise and enjoying the fullness of life? **Apples: Apples speak of emotions and include long happy lives, love, children, relationships, temptations and desires. Is the apple in good condition or does it contain worms; it is attractive and firm; rotting or partially eaten? Whatever its condition, it is describing what is happening in the arena of your emotional life.
If you are being handed an apple, it could be saying that someone is tempting you. Take a good look at the apple that is being handed to you - is it as it should be? Who is handing it to you? What condition are the apples in? Applies indicate love, protection, and good luck generated by positive and healthy personal ethics.
Apple Dream Meaning
If it is tasty, it indicates emotional satisfaction; if it is green, difficulties; if it is rotten, frustrations. From a Freudian point of view, eating an apple is synonymous with sexual appetite. The apple, however, also represents knowledge and freedom of choice. Just what Adam and Eve obtained when they left behind their innocence.
Especially if they are red, dreaming of apples is a good omen.
If they are ripe and sweet, you will be rewarded; if they are sour, you may suffer losses because of your own foolishness. Apples lying on the ground predict the dishonesty of your friends. Finally, if they are rotten, all your efforts will be in vain.
Apple Dream Interpretation
Temptation to break personal taboos, or divine or societal laws. Responsible use of knowledge, skills, or wisdom.
Matters of health: How the apple looks may have a direct bearing on how you’re feeling.
Appearing abundantly on a tree: A propitious sign that speaks of realizing your hopes.
Only at the top of a tree: High ambitions that you may not be able to safely or effectively reach.
Worm ridden: If you bite into an apple to discover a worm, this means that something isn’t as good as it outwardly appears, especially someone’s ethical codes.
Arthurian: Longevity. King Arthur was taken to Avalon, the Isle of Apples, to live forever. Similarly, in Norse legends apples are used as a resurrection charm, and Hera’s Tree of Life is filled with golden apples.
Apple Dream Meaning
(The ideal in the Middle Ages was to have breasts like little apples.) Something that turns into something good (and deservedly so—for instance, William TelPs apple) or, less frequently, something that turns into something bad (See the Apple of Paris).
According to Freud, the apple, like almost every other Fruit, is the symbol for breasts, particularly when there is more than one apple. In psychoanalysis apples are generally considered a typical sexual symbol. According to C. G. Jung, they are a symbol of life, an ancient fertility symbol, as are the pomegranate, fig, and quince).
Apple Dream Interpretation
If the apples are ripe there is a promise of financial rewards but if the apples were green, bitter, or tainted in some way then you are in danger of losing something through mistake or foolishness that you would have otherwise gained.
Apple Dream Interpretation
Apple Dream Meaning
Apple Dream Interpretation
Apple Dream Meaning
If the apple is unripe or bitter, then your dream is cautioning you to be patient in your endeavors.
If the apple is rotten, then you’ve been neglecting your inner goddess.
Apple Dream Interpretation
1- In dreams this can represent fruitfulncss, love and temptation.
2- Eating an apple indicates the wish to be trying to take in information or knowledge.
The apple obviously has connections with Eve’s temptation of Adam.
3- Apple blossom is a Chinese symbol of peace and beauty. Spiritually an apple suggests a new beginning and a freshness of approach.
Apple Dream Meaning
Apple Dream Meaning
An apple suggests a new beginning and a freshness of approach. In many traditions it is the fruit of immortality. Apple blossom is a chinese symbol of peace and beauty.
Apple Dream Meaning
It is more likely to have this meaning in a man’s dream than in a woman’s. As a symbol of carnal knowledge it represents fertility.
Apple Dream Meaning
2. Willingness to offer something to someone to influence the behavior toward one.
3. If apple has a worm, it is a warning to be alert to being deceived.
4. Guilt over something (adam and eve).
6. Love.
7. Peace and harmony.
Apple Dream Meaning
Apple Dream Meaning
A golden apple is symbolic of wise words, Prov. 25.
11. Apples can also symbolize a time of refreshing, Song. 2:5
Apple Dream Interpretation
Apple Dream Interpretation
Apple Dream Meaning
2. Words;
3. Precious (apple of the eye)
4. Temptation; Ps. 17:8; Song. 2:5; Zech. 2:8; Gen. 3:6.
Apple Dream Meaning
The “apple” of one’s eye
Apple Dream Meaning
An apple in a dream also denotes one’s determination and good will.
To a king, apples in a dream represent his kingdom.
To a merchant, they represent his merchandise, and to a farmer theyrepresent his crop. Eating apples in a dreammeans determination. Eating a sweet apple in a dream means lawful earnings, while eating a sour tasting apple means acquiring unlawful earnings. Sour apples in a dream mean divisiveness and hurt, while its tree represents torpor. Ifa king throws an apple at one of his subjects in a dream, it means good news or attainment of one’s goals. Planting an apple tree in a dream means adopting or caring for an orphan.
An apple tree in a dream represents a good man and a believer who serves and benefits his community. Eating an apple in a dream also means earning somethingpeople cannot See. Plucking an apple in a dream meansmoneyearned through a respectable person. Counting apples in a dream means counting money. Smelling an apple inside a mosque in a dream means getting married.
If a woman sees herself smelling an apple during a reception in a dream, it means misconduct and the permeation of sin. Ifshe sees herselfeating an apple in a known place in a dream, it means that she will give birth to a handsome son. Biting on an apple in a dream means satisfying one’s sexual desires or being sexually obsessed.
(See Magician)