Bisexual Dream Interpretation
If you are not bisexual and dream that you are, then it may indicate some sexual repression. It doesn’t necessarily mean you have bisexual feelings in your waking life. You may simply be trying to compensate for your lack of sexual expression in real life, by dreaming about sexuality. Alternatively, this dream may represent general sexual confusion.
[1]Bisexual Dream Interpretation
To dream that you bisexual, when you are not in your waking life, is a suggestion that you are holding back your needs and desires related to sex. Perhaps you are unable to communicate these needs properly. You may be perplexed or bewildered by your masculinity or femininity.
[2]Bisexual Dream Meaning
1. Sexual confusion or previously unrecognized attractions.
[3]2. Sexual repression, difficulties with sexual expression.
3. A need or desire to address either masculine or feminine aspects of self or integrate them.