If you had an‘ace up your sleeve’, are you biding your time? In dreamlore, the old proverb‘lucky in cards, unlucky in love’ may filter through into your dreams; some believe that to dream of a winning hand is indicative of unrequited love. Other authorities urge a careful rethink of finances to anyone who experiences a dream win.
If you focused on a particular card, does this have a particular relevance for you in waking life?
Some dream analysts believe that particular suits have particular meanings that can aid dream interpretation. Hearts can suggest joy, happiness, love and romance. Diamonds highlight money concerns but also insights and aspirations. Clubs highlight knowledge, intellect and achieving goals. Spades represent the difficulties of life and warn of obstacles ahead that you will need endurance to overcome.
If the joker appears in your dream, your unconscious may be drawing your attention to someone in your life—perhaps you yourself—who is fooling around