Fever Dream Interpretation

Fever Dream Interpretation: Analysis from 14 Unique Sources

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Today's Dream Interpretation


Fever Dream Interpretation

In a dream, a fever means paying one’s debts, for fever in wakefulness is an atonement for sins. Fever in a dream also means a threat and a menace.

If one sees someone he knows suffering from fever in a dream, it means that he will get involved in a business that will require him to lose his religious commitment. Fever in a dream also means wearing the garment of a revered person. Fever is the messenger of the angel of death and his warner. It reminds the person to repent before death comes and to corrects his conduct with his Lord before meeting Him.

A feverish shiver in a dream means negligence and disdain regarding one’s religious duties.

If one sees that he died and was washed and shrouded in preparation for burial in a dream, it means that he is persistent in indulging in sins and that he is careless about the consequences. Such a warning is only seen in a dream by an insolent sinner, if he is lucky. Fever in a dream also may connote entering a bathhouse or a sauna and suffering therein from heat, exhaustion and thirst.

(See Also: Bathhouse)


Fever Dream Interpretation

Vision: Dreaming about fever means that you are living out unconscious fears. Fever dreams mean that the unconscious is hard at work dealing with repressed emotions or fears. Sometimes it signals illness.

Dreaming of having a fever means uncertain times for your love life or friendships.

If someone else has a fever, it means losing a friend.

Depth Psychology: If illness can be excluded, you might have a case of “feverish” passion for someone, but beware—passionate fires burn out quickly!


Fever Dream Interpretation

If the feature of the dream was your own fever, the dream is telling you that the things you worry about most may never happen and that your futile anxiety is com- promising your ability to enjoy today. A dream in- volving high tem peratures in others suggests some coming excitement which could be either of a happy or troublesome nature de- pending on the side action of the dream.

If your dream concerned fever in children, it is an augury of success in your current desires.


Fever Dream Interpretation

To dream that you are stricken with this malady, signifies that you are worrying over trifling affairs while the best of life is slipping past you, and you should pull yourself into shape and engage in profitable work.

To dream of seeing some of your family sick with fever, denotes temporary illness for some of them.

See Also: Illness.


Fever Dream Interpretation

Dreaming that you have fever indicates that, even though you are not aware of it, you are suffering emotional or health problems. In the latter case, the dream may contain important messages that will contribute to your own healing.


Fever Dream Interpretation

An evil dream of ambitious desires, extravagance, etc.

(Gypsy); the restlessness and delirium accompanying fever would justify this interpretation of a dream undoubtedly attributable to the physical condition.


Fever Dream Interpretation

Having a fever in a dream may indicate a physical illness that you are attempting to clear during the dream state.

A fever may also suggest the desire for romance, as in “spring fever.”


Fever Dream Interpretation

1. Possible illness.

2. A rise in passions or anger, loss of con­trol, feeling consumed.

3. Fearful but small concerns and anxi­eties grow disproportionate, overwhelming.


Fever Dream Interpretation

Disharmony in physical, mental and/or spiritual being. Heated emotions which are surfacing in unhealthy ways.


Fever Dream Interpretation

Dreams of a fever symbolize anger and that you are burning up with resentment, anger or passion.


Fever Dream Meaning

To dream of having a fever is a portent of happenings that will be worrisome but not serious.


Fever Dream Meaning

If you dream of having a fever, you worry over trivial matters while life is passing you by.


Fever Dream Meaning

A person sick with a fever can be symbolic of a sinful lifestyle, Lev. 26:16


Fever Dream Meaning

lucky numbers: 15-20-23-29-40-47

having a: unconscious is fighting repressed fears that affair wil go awry.

children: have mistreated someone, causing temporary fever to a dependent upon you.

friends: wil be cheated by friends; go back for the win.

relatives: friends wil tel you lies about their financial gains.

very high: crisis point leading to renewed energy and vitality.

suffering from a: are wearing down your nerves by letting petty worries bother you.

enemies: your fiery mental attitude causes an array of disharmonies.


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