Generally, being aware; waking as opposed to sleeping; being able to understand and have insight; to see; lightness of heart; release from dark feelings.Example: ‘1 am alone ...
Discover MoreTo dream of turning on a lamp foretells an unexpected reward for a past kindness.To turn out a lamp suggests that you will have a holiday or a well earned rest.A dream of red lamps...
Discover MoreAnimals, reptiles, birds and insects often represent aspects of relationships in dreams. Birds in particular can take on a specific meaning. For example a bird or prey, or a thievi...
Discover MoreSeeing, or being in, the beam of headlights is a sign that you can get what you want but you will have to focus completely on it and nothing else.If the headlights kept moving arou...
Discover MoreIn most ancient cultures, consideration and even veneration of dreams played a great pan. Some groups felt that dream life was more real and imponant than waking life. Not only w...
Discover MoreSymbol: The candle is a symbol of light—representing a connection between spirit and matter.Vision: A brighdy burning candle is a promise: in future things will turn out the wa...
Discover MoreVision: According to ancient folklore, a lighted lantern stands for an impending, sorrow-filled event.A blinking traffic light is always a warning to be careful.If you or someone ...
Discover MoreA flickering or diminishing flame signifies a disappointment which will probably be in the nature of a limited success; a definitely red flame warns against uncontrolled temper; a ...
Discover MoreA dream of actually holding onto your tongue with your hand, or with your teeth, is an admonition that you could be tempted to reveal too much, and it’s time to “hold your tong...
Discover MoreIn dreams in which you are tending a fire, try to remember how much attention it needed from you; did it burn vigorously or did you have to fan it, stoke and feed it fuel to keep i...
Discover MoreAs a symbol of the mind, the mirror suggests the art of reflection, looking at the reality of who you are, or seeing yourself in a new or different way.If a mirror appears in your ...
Discover Morelucky numbers: 02-07-17-18-21-33being burned by a: the search for wisdom is not without nodes of distress. blowing out: competition and rivalry at the end of a period of your life....
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