Floor Dream Interpretation
To see the floor in your dream represents those things that support you. It may also represent the division between your unconscious and conscious mind. To see a polished, wooden floor in your dream indicates that you are fully aware of your unconscious but not tapping into its potential, whilst to see a slanted floor foretells that you are deviating too far from your original plans and goals. For Jungians, the floors or storeys of a house represent your unconscious and conscious aspirations. In general, the attic represents the intellect, the ground floor the conscious mind and the basement the unconscious. The appearance, style and condition of each floor will be significant. Are they easy and welcoming on the eye or intimidating and confused? Difficulty getting from one floor of the house to another suggests difficulties progressing spiritually.
[1]Floor Dream Interpretation
(See Also: Buildings)
As with any part of a building, this can represent our body’s floor—the foot. Tlie condition of the floor then becomes the dream key.
For example, a cracked floor could
indicate skin conditions or fungal growths on this part of the body. Or, metaphorically, this dream reveals that you may not be looking where you are walking, thereby putting yourself in danger.
Your foundational belief systems. How does the floor appear? One that is highly polished shows someone who has refined an external spirituality to appeal to others’ expectations.
A rotten floor reflects a negative path that will eventually lead to downfall. Uneven floors reveal someone who has trouble maintaining a balance between faith and fact, the mundane and the esoteric.
[2]Floor Dream Interpretation
To see the floor in your dream, represents your support system of friends and family. It may also represent the division between your unconscious and conscious minds.
To see a polished, wooden floor in your dream, indicates that you are fully aware of your unconscious feelings and thoughts, and you are keeping these suppressed.
To see a slanted floor in your dream, foretells that you are deviating too far from your original plans and goals.
If you dream that the floor you are walking on is sticky, you may feel that you are being repressed or held back by people who think they are acting in your best interests.
[3]Floor Dream Interpretation
Represents your base, your support, the thing that supports you so you can walk through your house (life), and anything you dream concerning a floor must be considered in that manner in relationship with the rest of your dream.
If you are cleaning, polishing, shining, repairing, or in some manner improving your floor is an omen that foretells of success in your endeavors to gain in the business world or to improve your standard of living.
A slanted floor foretells that you are deviating too far from your original plans and that is not conducive to attaining your goals.
[4]Floor Dream Interpretation
A floor may represent the foundational beliefs on which you stand. These are the most precious values They also represent your primary concerns, such as your security.
A wood floor may signify your natural beauty.
A marble floor represents a beautiful and hard surface that is not penetrated easily; therefore, it may suggest that your ego will not be damaged if many people walk over you.
[5]Floor Dream Interpretation
The floors of a building represent the levels of the dreamer’s consciousness. The attic is spiritually, and the lowest floor, the unconscious. The floors that are in between manifest the different mental stages that you experience. (See Also: HOUSE)
If you dream that you are on the highest floor, you will have success.
[6]Floor Dream Interpretation
Whether you were painting, polishing, sweeping, scrubbing, or what have you, any dream which featured cleaning or improving the appearance of a floor, or laying a new floor, foretells profitable business activities.
Personal good luck will be yours if you dreamed of sitting, lying, or lounging on the floor.
[7]Floor Dream Interpretation
To dream that you are sweeping or washing the Floor is a bad omen for business success. You will not be fortunate, though your losses may not amount to a large sum.
To sit or lounge on the Floor, on the contrary, is a very good omen.
[8]Floor Dream Interpretation
External and internal foundation, personal attitude. Always refers to being grounded, as in Foot and Basement.
The floor can also be seen as a barrier between you and the ground.
See Also: Stone/ Clay Floor.
[9]Floor Dream Interpretation
1. Foundation (as in the “floor beneath your feet”).
2. Separation between parts of the mind, conscious and unconscious.
3. Use caution in business ventures (sweeping).
[10]Floor Dream Meaning
Dreams of a floor represent the foundation principles of your life and your support system, which holds you up and gives you a sense of safety and security.
See Also: Ground or Feet.
[11]Floor Dream Meaning
1. Beginning/foundation;
2. Place of sorting/purging (threshing floor);
3. Humbling. Ruth 3:3, 6; Isa. 21:10.
[12]Floor Dream Meaning
Foundation, support; that upon which you base your life.
If dirt floor you are not building a good foundation.
[13]Floor Dream Meaning
1. Foundation;
2. (Threshing floor) purging;
3. Storage area;
4. Humbling;
Matt. 3:12; Luke 3:17.
[14]Floor Dream Meaning
(upper, lower)
See Also: Storey
[15]Floor Dream Meaning
(See Also: Earth)
[16]Floor Dream Meaning
See “foundation”
[17]Floor Dream Meaning
lucky numbers: 29-31-33-35-38-47
arising from: affliction from being overpowered by the gravity of material life.
dirty: feel moral y degraded.
first: leave out foods from your diet that you crave.
ground: take a walk in the morning before work.
laying a tile: al iance that wil bring an active profit.
middle: check out that rasping in your chest.
repaired, having the: have a delicate constitution from being trod upon.
sitting on the: are anxiously awaiting arrival of an old acquaintance.
sleeping on the: wil take journey you have always wanted to take.
sweeping your: be cautious that the foundations laid are clear in your ventures.
upper: your third eye is not easily influenced.
washing the: have an untroubled frame of mind.
wooden: sympathy is being reciprocated.