Losing teeth Dream Interpretation
Since the second century people have dreamed of losing their teeth, and there are countless written accounts that substantiate this. While the ancients believed this was an omen of death, the reality is much simpler. If your teeth fall out, then you’re most likely to be going through a highly stressful period in your life. Rooted in anxiety, this dream can make you feel vulnerable, but in fact it’s exposing your current vulnerability and reflecting the sense of loss you feel about something in your waking world. It can be a dent to the ego, as teeth are an integral part of our facial structure. In this instance it suggests you may have lost face in some way, either personally or professionally.
This dream could also indicate you’ve lost something which is dear to you, and you’re going through the grieving process. Either way this dream, though deeply upsetting, is a sign that you are working through things; you are undergoing a transitional period and will eventually emerge, stronger and brighter.