Midget Dream Interpretation
Dreaming about a midget is usually a very lucky omen.
If the dwarf is pleasant in personality and appearance, it means you will be popular and rise to the top in life.
It is also an omen of excellent physical health and good finances in your future.
If you dream of someone you know becoming a midget, their friendship is positive and will bring you many pleasures.
If you dream of ugly or mean midgets, a real-life situation is currently making you feel confused or distressed.
[1]Midget Dream Interpretation
Vision: Seeing a midget: develop more confidence—there is no reason to diminish yourself. Have you met a person who— compared to you—seems to be a Giant? See Small.
Depth Psychology: Are you suffering from feelings of inferiority or have others not satisfied your ego?
[2]Midget Dream Meaning
Limited; see “small”
[3]Midget Dream Meaning