For a woman to dream that her lover or associate is a printer, foretells she will fail to please her parents in the selection of a close friend.
Printer Dream Meaning
To see a printer in your dreams, is a warning of poverty, if you neglect to practice economy and cultivate energy.
[1]Printer Dream Interpretation
To see a printer in your dream, suggests that you are trying to express a thought or idea in a way that others can understand.
[2]To dream that the printer is not working, represents your difficulties and frustrations in communicating your thoughts and feelings.
Printer Dream Interpretation
Having a problem with pnnting out information may express your frustration about communicating what is on your mind. You may also be expenencing frustration with bringing what you know into a form that may be understood by others.
[3]Printer Dream Meaning
A woman who dreams of being in love with a printer is almost sure to have trouble with her family.
[4]A man who dreams of bei^g in a printing shop may expect surprising revelations regarding the person be loves best.
Printer Dream Meaning
This indicates a fear that someone will publish secret aspects of your personality, or reveal hidden truths you know. It may be a warning from the unconscious to be prudent and not talk too much.
[5]Printer Dream Meaning
1. Attempt at clear, simple communication.
[6]2. Trying to get a message across (to receive or send).
3. Possible secrets hidden away.
Printer Dream Meaning
You are very much admired for your intelligence and your ease of communication.