Public house Dream Interpretation
1- To be in a pub in a dream and aware of our behaviour indicates how we relate to groups and what our feelings are about society. We may feel that it is appropriate to use a public space to create new relationships, or to come to terms with our own sense of loneliness.
A public space where we can drop inhibitions has links with the Pagan need for festivity and celebration.
2- We all have social needs that can be met in convivial company, in a pub or bar.
The origins of the public house were the old inns, which were stopping-olf places for travellers. Any companionship was purely transitory. This symbolism is still present today in dreams. We arc in a place where we can rest and relax and nothing more is expected of us.
3- As a public place where shared values arc important, the public house can be a creative space. As a meeting place where few judgements arc made, it becomes a placc in which people can co-exist.
[1]Public house Dream Interpretation
To dream that you are drinking in a Public House is a bad sign.
To lovers, it shows deceit by the person loved and trusted, and much unhappiness.
To the farmer it foretells bad crops.
To dream that you own a Public House shows that you will have to work hard but that you will eventually recover from your losses and worries.
[2]Public house Dream Meaning
Social, free and easy side of self; alcohol dependency.