Seasons Dream Meaning
Seasons in flux: Transformation of some sort, often age or activity related.
Autumn: The realization of maturity, and harvest from hard labors. Potentially also the need to conserve despite bounty; putting things in order before inclement “weather” (literally or figuratively) puts everything on hold.
Winter: A time of rest, or a cooling-off period when things can be reevaluated (See Ice, Snow).
Spring: A new beginning, refreshed hope, and the first signs of progress or growth with regard to a specific circumstance. Also, fertility (See Rain).
Summer: Warm feelings, potentially becoming “hot” (like a tiff turning to an all-out argument, or simple flirtation becoming passion). Alternatively, profuseness of energy and increased social activity (See Fire).
[1]Seasons Dream Meaning
Seasons are symbolically ages of mankind: spring is for childhood; summer, youth; fall, maturity, and winter, old age and sterility.
If you dream that the seasons occur in order it indicates that you need to live one thing at a time. Otherwise, you would have to analyze their meaning separately. Seasons can represent the state of your mind and the psychological and material conditions that prevail in it. This symbol reminds us that everything is variable and renewable. (See WINTER, FALL, SPRING, SUMMER)
Since ancient times, the sun, solstices, and seasons have been linked to the human life’s stages. In addition, seasons are also associated with the four elements: earth is bare winter; spring is rain; heat and fire are the summer; and air, the fall winds.
[2]Seasons Dream Meaning
1- When we become conscious of the seasons of the year in dreams, we are also linking with the various periods of our lives
(Spring signifies childhood, Summer young adulthood, Autumn middle age, Winter old age).
2- The need for us to be able to divide time into periods or phases arises initially from the necessity to co-operate with the seasons from a survival point of view. Given deadlines and limitations, the human being is able to survive through striving.
3- The division of the year into Spring, Summer, Autumn and Winter gives occasion for celebrations and festivals.
[3]Seasons Dream Interpretation
Material aspects: When we become conscious of the seasons of the year in dreams, we are also linking with the various periods of our lives; spring signifies childhood; summer, young adulthood; autumn, middle age; winter, old age.
[4]Seasons Dream Meaning
Gives gender-specific: When we understand the natural cycle of the year, dreams by both men and women will link with the union of the god and goddess.
[5]Seasons Dream Meaning
The division of the year into spring, summer, autumn and winter gives occasion for celebrations and festivals which are vehicles for knowledge and inspiration.
[6]Seasons Dream Meaning
Life stages Spring denotes childhood, summer stands for early adulthood, autumn denotes maturity and winter signifies later years in life
[7]Seasons Dream Interpretation
Times of life.
See spring; summer; autumn; winter.