Cake Dream Meaning
General Meaning: Provision for your desires and not only your needs. Dreams • Positive: A cake speaks of fun, enjoyment and blessing. It speaks of receiving a gift and something that is enjoyable.
• I remember once dreaming of walking into my home and my father had bought me a whole load of different cakes from a bakery. I can smell them now just thinking about it! It was a good dream and it spoke of the blessings and the gifts the Lord was giving me.
• The different types of cakes, spoke of the different ways I would minister and the different blessings the Lord would give me. Not long after this dream the Lord moved me into the Teaching Ministry.
Negative: “To have your cake and eat it” is a negative saying that means you are trying to impose yourself and also be one better above your fellow brother or sister. This speaks of strife, contention and vainglory.
• Dreaming of a cake that is not fully baked speaks of being ‘half-baked’ meaning that your commitment is lacking.
Visions Positive:
Cake in a vision or external dream speaks of provision. In the case of this passage by giving of her last cake the widow woman had provision for the rest of the drought. Perhaps the Lord has led you to give the little ‘cake’ or blessing you have away.
If this be the case, rejoice, because it means that the Lord means to prosper you in return! • 1 Kings 17:13 And Elijah said to her, Fear not; go [and] do as you have said: but make me of it a little cake first, and bring [it] to me, and after make for you and for your son.
Negative: To see a cake that is burned or gone hard on one side, due to not being turned has a bad connotation. It speaks of being having the life taken out of you. It also speaks of compromise as in the passage in Hosea. It speaks of mixing yourself with those things that are not of the Lord and because of it, your blessing has now become a curse.
• Hosea 7:8 Ephraim, he has mixed himself among the people; Ephraim is a cake not turned.
See Bake, Bread•
[1]Cake Dream Interpretation
To see a cake in your dream suggests that you are learning, or need to learn, to share and delegate your workload instead of trying to do everything yourself. Cakes also indicate the feeling of not getting your fair share. On the other hand, the dream may represent your accomplishments and achievements. Consider also the metaphor a ‘piece of cake’ or some situation that is easy. To see a partially eaten cake in your dream signifies missed and lost opportunities. To dream that you are buying a cake suggests that you have accepted the rewards and recognition you deserve for your work, and are learning to enjoy your moment in the spotlight. A dream cake pan refers to that which assists you in achieving your goals, and a cakewalk suggests a sure thing, something that is easy to accomplish. To see a birthday cake in your dream represents your willingness to let people in and share your life with others.
If you see a cake that isn’t a birthday cake, this pertains to a shared goal. Did you get your slice? To dream that you are baking muffins denotes that you are a hard worker and will reap the fruits of your labor. To dream that you are eating muffins represents the factors
In your life that make you feel secure.
[2]Cake Dream Meaning
The meaning of this dream is, in general, the arrival of unexpected profits. To bake a cake shows the willingness of the dreamer to improve the quality of her friendships; and to eat it, the reunion with a loved one not seen in a while.
Sweet cakes predict success in business; and those made with raisins, good times in social relations.
[3]Cake Dream Meaning
A cake represents the result of your creativity.
A cake with many layers may represent enjoying the many layers of an intnguing story or sweet conversation A wedding cake represents the product of a sacred marnage or something that was ere- ated through the balance of your male and female aspects.
(See Betty Crocker foods.)
[4]Cake Dream Meaning
A fortunate dream signifying satisfaction in both social and business affairs.
Very sweet cake indicates a legacy and/or for those employed a promotion.
Thickly iced cake predicts gay times ahead.
To eat cake in a dream is more fortunate than to bake or buy it, although anything to do with cakes is lucky.
[5]Cake Dream Meaning
It may symbolize the sweet and pleasurable parts of life.
The dream may be interpreted according to your interaction with the cake in the dream. Represents something that brings you joy and pleasure and is shared with others.Directly related to celebrations and company.
[6]Cake Dream Meaning
You are finding reasons to celebrate and revel in the sweetness that life has to offer. We eat cake when we are recognizing important moments that are worthy of rejoicing in.
A cake in a dream is offering such a moment to consider life’s joy and bounty.
(See Food.)
[7]Cake Dream Interpretation
Vision: You are baking a cake: you have a tendency to overindulge—this weakness needs to be reined in. Eating or looking at a cake: company is coming.
Depth Psychology: The cake has a meaning similar to that of Bread—only in a more refined form.
[8]Cake Dream Interpretation
To dream of cakes of almost any kind shows you will have good fortune in your undertaking.
For a woman to see her wedding cake in a dream is an omen of ill, showing much unhappiness if she should go through with the marriage.
[9]Cake Dream Meaning
Dreams of a cake symbolize celebration, acknowledgment and reward for your hard work. Things will now come easily to you as you are realizing that you can have your cake and eat it too.
[10]Cake Dream Meaning
1. Your desires of your heart
2. Divine provision or sustenance;
3. The Word; 1 Kings 17:12-13; (2) 1 Kings 19:5-8:2 Sam. 6:19.
[11]Cake Dream Meaning
Celebratory of a person’s life.
If the cake is half-baked or burnt it symbolizes worthlessness, Hosea 7:8
[12]Cake Dream Interpretation
Reward. Food is often a sign of love that you either receive or give. Emotional and intellectual needs.
[13]Cake Dream Meaning
Something sweet and easy to one’s spirit, i.E. “A piece of cake”; see “food”
[14]Cake Dream Meaning
1. One feels he/she should get a reward for a job well done.
2. Being selfish.
[15]Cake Dream Meaning
If you dream of eating cake, you will have success in an upcoming endeavor.
[16]Cake Dream Interpretation
Food generally denotes good health, provided it is of an enjoyable kind.
[17]Cake Dream Meaning
Sensual enjoyment and celebration is represented in dreams by cakes.
[18]Cake Dream Interpretation
Celebration and nurturing. Luxurious treat, special gift.
[19]Cake Dream Interpretation
[20]Cake Dream Meaning
Sensual enjoyment.
[21]Cake Dream Interpretation
lucky numbers: 07-13-18-21-44-49
baking a: your indulgence wil turn your luck from luxurious to practical.
buying a: the affection of a friend wil support your weakness.
eating a piece of: your self-aggrandizement wil lose you your sweetheart.
frosting first: fear being trapped in yourself, set boundaries no matter how sweet.
pan: wil gain a home in a legal settlement.
pound: a gentle pleasure upon which you can add any sauce.
sweet: promising future to those enterprising souls.
serving friends: are confronted with insurmountable obstacles.
walk, a: acquaintances are performing grotesque acts.
woman dreaming of eating her wedding: big peril of self-created prison.
[22]Cake Dream Meaning
If a poor person sees himself eating modified bread or a cake in a dream, it means sickness or loss of something one is anticipating to receive.
(See Bread)