Ape Dream Interpretation
Can represent a world of experience human beings have lost and feel sorrow at its absence. In developing self consciousness, with its labyrinth of ideas and decisions, humans lost a sense of oneness with life around them. Animals have enormous remembered wisdom; remembered through instincts and complex social codes. This wisdom is still accessible to humans who can listen to the unconscious, and discover the enormous wealth of information they have about such things as social behaviour and body language.
The ape can depict this wisdom, especially if it is white haired. Or it might show the personal folly of trying to let instincts dominate us now we have self awareness. Idioms: he is just aping.
[1]Ape Dream Interpretation
The character of the ape tends to be gentle, so this dream could symbolize that part of your interior that wants to have a more simple and natural behavior.
If the ape gives you fear, it represents the dark and repressed side of your personality.
This dream denotes that there will be people who deceive you, so you will soon suffer trickery. In business, you should be very cautious with the promises that people make, as they could be false.
If the ape is in a tree, one of your relatives will lie to you which will create large problems in the future.
[2]Ape Dream Meaning
Developmental difficulties. Points at the same time to increased rigidity. You need to allow yourself to be more playful and happy. Leave room for the animal side of you
(the ape is considered one of the most sexual animals).
The ape is the shadow of the ego, the soul of instinct, the most ancient and most human creature.
It is a symbol of imitation, which points to self- ridicule as well as a lack of autonomy. Pay special attention to the type of ape that appears in the dream.
[3]Ape Dream Meaning
As science discovers just how closely associated we are to the ape, it is hardly surprising that over the centuries this creature has had projected upon it aspects of our own character that we find difficult to handle.
The ape in dreams, therefore, can suggest the trickster, the mischievous side of wrongdoing, and irresponsibility. However, in hindu belief the character of hanuman the monkey god teaches us of the unlimited power that lies unused within each one of us.
[4]Ape Dream Interpretation
As our closest animal relatives, apes can represent the natural, instinctual wisdom that most of us have lost, particularly if the dream animal is a gray-haired ape. We also sometimes associate simians (especially chimpanzees) with humor, and with the “chained up” animal self inside (e.g., King Kong). “Ape” can also mean to mimic.
[5]Ape Dream Meaning
A dream of deceit, treacherous friends and associates (Artemidorus); Plato taught that the soul of a bad jester would return as an ape; it is a modern symbol of unclean- ness, lust, cunning, and malice. It was, however, an emblem of wisdom in Egypt and of the god Thoth, patron of the art of writing.
[6]Ape Dream Meaning
Monkey in Animals1- To dream of apes or monkeys links with the mischievous side of ourselves.
2- We all have within us the ability to mimic or to copy, and to dream of apes may alert us to this ability.
3- The ape suggests the Trickster, the mischievous side of evil.
[7]Ape Dream Meaning
Material aspects: Traditionally, to dream of apes or monkeys links with the mischievous side of ourselves. However, as perception changes, the symbolism is more of natural intelligence. Also consult the entry for monkey in animals for further information.
[8]Ape Dream Interpretation
Psychological / emotional perspective: One of the qualities of the ape is its ability to mimic, to copy and to learn by experience.
To dream of apes may alert us to this ability, or for the need for us to learn by example.
[9]Ape Dream Interpretation
Who are you hanging onto that is influencing you negatively? Someone who is not a real friend? If you deserve better believe it with all your being and repattern the old belief that this is all you can have.
[10]Ape Dream Interpretation
1. Someone is tricky, mischievous, perhaps trying to fool the dreamer in some way.
2. The dreamer is trying to trick someone else.
3. The desire to imitate someone else.
4. Strength.
[11]Ape Dream Interpretation
Dreams of an ape show that you are connecting to your primal feelings, sexuality, power, and perhaps feeling a desire to dominate and express the largess of your being.
See Animal.
[12]Ape Dream Interpretation
Be on guard against a mischief-maker in your close social or business circle and pay more attention to your work, if you dreamed of an ape.
See Animals.
[13]Ape Dream Interpretation
Instinctual or primitive power, sexuality and strength; amusing antics, mimicking others rather than being yourself.
See Animal.
[14]Ape Dream Interpretation
Unpleasantness and deceit may lurk behind the apparent friendliness of a person close to the dreamer.
[15]Ape Dream Meaning
Unlike a monkey, an ape is figurative of a person who goes “ape”, acting wild or crazy
[16]Ape Dream Meaning
As in the case of all unusual animals seen in dreams, this is a warning of coming trouble.
[17]Ape Dream Interpretation
A symbol of an overly emotional or beastly person
[18]Ape Dream Meaning
[19]Ape Dream Meaning
lucky numbers: 10-15-17-28-42-43
baby: have an instinctive purely physical love.
cage, in a: there is a mischievous opposition to your love.
chimpanzee, of a: your intel igence wil play a trick on you.
up a tree: wil incur disease if you fol ow the wrong direction.
dancing: success in real estate wil take some tricky steps.
imitating others: care to expose falseness in friends.
poor people dreaming of: buckle down and use intel igence to gain good earnings.
rich people: guard against mischief maker in circle of friends.