Dream Interpret |Â Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z
Dreams starting with the letter
Falling in love with priest+
Tore ear lobe in dream+
Tear ear lobe+
Giving back the lost phone+
Left balck hands+
Three things cannot be long hidden+
Meaning of burying live person in dream+
I dreamed of my late grandmother preaching in church+
Someone cut under my feet open letting my blood in a hole+
Dream of bright light jesus in clouds+
Slipping in water logged place+
Lump ear+
A lady sweeping my room+
Noni leaf dream+
Noni leaf+
High school love movies on netflix+
Ex leaving+
Ex leaving items behind+
Seeing wife laughing+
My late dad buying me things in the dream meaning+
Laguna hedionda+
Google classroom login+
Death love+
Unown grandmother going infront of me with lighting candle without shoes+
List one five duties as a receptionist+
What does it mean to dream when you have lost a motorcycle?+
Diya light goes off+
Grey large bird in bathroom+
Not owing white purse in real life buy losing white purse in dream+
In toxic lake+
Giraffe licking me and laying with me+
Writing with left hand+
Lion kill friend+
Latest bmw models+
A dark room then light flashes thinking i am dead but there is a table with an unknown man in a black suit with a red tie with jeans and some brown shoes and that man that i never seen him before telling open up this luggage after opening it there was one zero zero zero eruos+
A dark room then light flashes thinking i am dead but there is a table with an unknown man telling open up this luggage after opening it there was one zero zero zero eruos+
Clibing in a historical landmark in zagreb called zagreb cathedral but its not opened because of repairs after earthquake two zero two zero but i have not been before+
A dark room then light with a table with a an unknown man telling open up this luggage after opening it there was one zero zero zero eruos+
Clibing in a historical landmark but its not opened because of repairs+
Lion dream no+
Having lung disease+
Libros de autoayuda y motivacion+
Irs login+
Lion gate+
Dream of living in america with family+
Ecobank omniplus login+
Removing leeches off stomach+
Tangled dishing line+
Long and straight hair in a dream meaning+
I dreamt about being in london with my kid+
Seeing lizard in a dream and it attack on you interpretation in islam+
Attending funeral in my hometown in the dream where i saw the person i lived with until i finished shs?+
Phone call that mum is not going to live+
Logs rolling+
Plant lost+
A lion ate my dog+
My dog was killed by a lion+
Light blue light+
I see my boss who lost his right eye?+
Libros de salud y bienestar+
Blue lotus sovereignty+
Saw myself in saree dressed like a bride leading the funeral of my husband dead mother dressed like a bride+
When i loose my hook and buy a new one mean?+
Passed lover wearing a blue suit+
Someone rubbed flour on my left hand+
Room lights not working+
Seeing lord indra in dream+
Homme avec livre ouvert+
Lions eye bleeding+
To loose some teeth in a dream+
Thank you lord hymn lyrics+
Liquid oozing from leg+
Dreaming about lion+
Cutting of plantain leaves in the dream+
Seeing my wife loving me in dream+
I went to a carnival and then somehow we ended up in between heaven and hell and then there was an elevator that you could take to go up and down and right before i woke up we had gone down to hell but i was leaving to go back to heaven what does that mean?+
Loyalty stik+
Luna loves good+
What happens when lakhe came in dreams?+
Mowing lawn+
Laying in clear water fish smiling with human teeth+
Layer expand curtain+
Someone gave me a leche plan+
In love with doctor+
Eating boiled yam late mother+
Eating boiled yam given to you by your late mother+
Weeping and lying down on the road+
Leaving shoes behind+
Me crying in front of lord jagannath and he is crying also+
Olive loaf+
Any english lesson for grade three with correct media and backgrou+
A loved one that has passed saying they are tired and wants to go home+
Live map+
Trying to save my families lives+
A loved one trying to sedate and murder me+
A loved one trying to drug me+
Clothes hanging off a window ledge+
Seeing molt in a dream and lots of it in the ceiling+
Pink lipstick restaurant+
What does it mean if your friend lies to you in a dream?+
Sognare lumache+
Extension list+
Large items falling from sky+
Omnilite ecobank login+
Hair around lips+
Levelling the ground in a dream+
Looting a store with others+
Door lock inside cannot open+
Tiktok logo+
Piled fresh cow leathers+
Dreaming when my son is eaten by jiggers on the legs?+
Cow leathers in a dream+
Dog licked my private part+
Water levels+
Removing golden anklets on left leg in dream+
Maize lotery number+
Dream of eating a cooked bitter leaves+
Eating bitter leaves in the dream+
A lion and lamb together+
Picking local pear in dream+
Dream someone left their clothes behind+
I was in a car stopped on a traffic light and across the street there was a satanic church+
I dreamed of my late father being a hobo+
The chif minestur of lucky number+
Lichi dream in meaning+
Seeing image of lord bhrama+
Lizard with bird in mouth+
Giant red lobster with huge tails+
Learn to french kiss+
When agama lizard tries to jump on my left in the dream pls what does it mean?+
Leaving my old school premises+
School lost+
Eating a large white onion+
Cant feel left side of face+
Left side of face paralysis+
Lighting bug+
Laundry detergent arm and hammer+
Dream am running from a lion+
Lobster suit+
Lump of fat+
Dead deer coming back to life+
My mother was plugging leaf in my dream+
Write letter and give to someone that you attend church with+
Lump in+
Lockdown in home+
Tip stand length+
Dream of your dead lovers friend who is dead too?+
Zanu pf leadership in manicaland province+
What does serving a meal of porridge and lots of pigs tail inside it means?+
Late father giving me handkerchief+
Left hand bite from snake+
Cabs online banking login zimbabwe+
Luciferian symbols in text typable+
Laws of encounters burderns+
United nations globally harmonized system of classifing and labelling theory+
Black cd with light+
Suffer illness from someone who wished you harm for a long time?+
Fight and kill a lion+
Kill a lion in a dream meaning+
Mangal sutra worn by other lady+
Leaving your child home alone+
Labrador fat dog lying there+
Saw green paw paw leaf+
Paw paw leaf+
Lord shiva smiling in dream+
Large horse+
Dog snatching kerchief of my loved ones+
Getting bitten by leeches+
Saw ine lady appyling alta in my legs+
Whats the meaning of preparing and cooking pork with lots of fat+
Raw and live cgickens+
Raw and live cgicken+
Young lady selling bread+
What is passenger and freight logistics and differentiate them?+
Am so excited that i see a yellow pomelo in the tree with many green leaves in my dream+
Inverted leviathan cross+
Two lizards dancing+
When a lion attack u and some help u to cam the lion down?+
When u see ur self praying in cemetery and inside a luxury car?+
Sales intellect login+
Boot and lake+
Letter noon+
When u dream about being attack by a lion but u escape from the lion?+
Seen loamy soil in dream+
Lush green leaves of herbs mean+
Being late on classes with husband+
Becoming lilith and seducing asmodeus+
Dreams of half human half lizard+
Choosing a blue velvet dress in after life+
Person you secretly love appear in your dream+
Someone giving u a very heavy laptop+
Losing the+
Step down from leather+
Dream about your deceased ex lover visiting you+
Ex lover visiting you+
Dream about your ex lover visiting you+
Liver coming out of mouth+
A lady giving me a box full of white baby clothes+
I am killing lizard through my teeth biting it+
I am killing the lizard through my teeth biting it+
Plugging lime orange in dream means what?+
Venice visitors leather chair+
Loop cross hen+
Apostle johnson suleman live sunday+
Senri login+
Friend turning into lizard+
Muddy field and losing a shoe+
The meaning of pulling a long booger out my nose+
Lesbian affair+
Losing a purse or bag when traveling?+
Finding myself crying in adream for my late mum+
I dream dasheen bush leave what that means?+
Running for your life+
I dreamed about our lady of penafrancia+
Business introduction letter template+
Largest pecan+
Laying head on shoulder+
Discutez plus tard lorsque vous prenez une douche+
Dreaming of seeing letter y d two one zero+
Big ship in land+
A level zimsec mathematics two zero zero eight paper one solutions+
To laugh+
Laughing hysterically with my boyfriend+
Found lost phone in dream+
Picking lost phone from the ground+
Janglame aag lagna+
Lights being shut off+
Dreaming turning off the light+
Dreamt seeing my leg swollen limping wth a support stick+
Carrying luggage in dream+
Looking for missing loved one+
Looking for a loved one+
Looking for a lost family member+
Looking for a lost loved one+
Looking for loved one after war+
Being separated by war from loved ones+
Ikhandlela elimlophe livutha+
Dream the first lady+
Gmail login+
Lucky number for snuff+
Pulling cactus thorn from my left hand and seeing cactus around me+
Fear of locked out of room+
Christmas tree lights smoking and unplugged them+
Chave rotta numeri da giocare al lotto+
Lista de preguntas para conocer a alguien e impactar+
Boot laces+
Dreaming of someone paying lobola+
Sharing food with my late mother+
Eating with a lady in dream+
Dreamed about a blue lunchbox+
Objects considered to be bad luck+
Manyame rdc logo+
Lower honor+
Having to leave your apartment and go live somewhere else+
Liquid home+
Hand licked by black dog+
Life of a stripper+
Dim light dreaming+
Linen light blue shirt+
Large bat that picked up a dog+
Large bat picking up street dog+
Itchy left foot meaning+
Chaos airport legal+
Lily meaning+
Disk login+
Learn about+
Dream of learning to drive+
Pulling a long hair out of your hand+
Dream of holding dry mangoe tree leaves+
What is a binary classification in machine learning and give examples?+
Dream of holding dry leaves+
Seeing lord jaganath+
Lower lip cut+
Retire lens kite+
Libros de autoayuda para el amor+
Lindja nen uje+
Dreaming of open wounds in my legs+
Lindja e bebit nen uje+
Laying head on uncles lap+
Family link app+
Lose chequebook+
To lose your checkbook and paperwork+
Como no derse llevar por alguien celoso+
Want to write using a laptop then sit on desk top then later go were are a lot clean beautiful chairs and new plugs to plug the laptop top+
If someone says that i am so lucky+
Bus left me in church headquarters+
Transport left me in church headquarters+
Seeing hairy legs of woman in dream+
Lock icon character+
Walking in a pathway in the bush with touch light+
What does it mean if you dream about seeing your long distnce boyfriend?+
Legal software and tools+
Lighting the dop sticks+
Dreaming of angry lion+
Snake living in right leg+
Tail lights out+
Download the full hemerus with all divisions labbelled+
Walking in plenty green sea grapes leaves+
Dream i saw plenty sea grapes leaves+
Sea grape leaf+
Dream of carrying a dead person in a boat form casket and the dead person comes to life after mistakenly dropping the casket on the ground+
Dream of carrying a deaf person in a boat form casket and the dead person comes to life after mistakenly dropping the casket on the ground+
Blue light in my dreams+
Seeing torn clothes in dream meaning in spritual life+
Scared to go down long ladder+
Sorrel leaves giving by others+
Baby leopards and baby tiger playing+
Loosing watch+
Giving a slipper to a died lady+
Someone licking finger then rubbing your face+
Dead loved ones having a party+
Getting legs cut off+
I lost my scarf in dream+
A man in a dream gave me green leaves+
Washing a ladies pants+
Wet paper towels with lipstick+
Engagement ring lost+
Lying down in bathroom+
Visiting loved ones grave+
Light bulb breaks+
Large clumps of hair falling out when i brush my hair?+
Dream about visiting loved ones grave and giving some flowers and candles+
I dream and was beating cassava leaf in a mortar+
Left cheek swollen+
Left check swollen+
Going to hajj or umrah but we were late we planned it in last minute+
Cabs online banking login+
Case laws in zimbabwe that involve juduciary protecting the environment+
Protecting kids from lips attack+
Plucked cocoyam leaves+
Latina girl with six fingers and toes+
Blue water lack+
Parents letting me down+
Landlord kicking a tenant out in the dream+
The meaning of an eagle flying around in the sky with a white chicken in its clause then leaves it beside me+
My first school love and friend dreming+
To carry load on ur head in dream+
Cabs login+
Meaning of a licking pot+
My late sister was happy and she kissed me+
To lent+
I realized i left my phone burning and came back to pick up but it was late+
I left my phone burning+
Big ed women in red lingerie+
Being chased by my late mother wanting to beat me+
Lover sitting on left side+
Losing front tire of a bike+
Climbing a light pole+
Lord krishna made of copper+
Blue light guardian angel+
How to draw two piece outfit for teenage lady on summer?+
My late grand father telling me to drink porridge for protection+
Dreaming of my late grand father telling me to drink porridge for protection+
Immigration lawyer near me+
Trying to kill lizard in a dream meaning+
My father giving me a green leaf in a dream+
Love dreams with king+
Leon killed+
Danger in love+
Limerence episode two zero+
To cry when my coworker leaves for new job?+
Dreaming of military vehicles and greener pastures in foreign land+
Child leaving train before you+
Being in love with my enemies+
Love danger+
Someone i know living in my home+
A logo representing the national manpower advisory council+
And lobster+
Random lady come to give you money+
Laying in king size bed+
Black worm leaving the body+
Washing dog legs+
Looking in the mirror and discovering white lashes+
Lgbtq ally+
Plugging of scent leaf in your dream means what?+
Five foot six in liberian dollar to usd+
Love triangme with two girls+
Snake with large fangs+
Roof left part stripped of tiles+
Leg braces without broken legs+
Lots of notes money+
Burrying a lady+
Dowey mildew initial leaf symptoms as pale green lesions on older le in cucumber+
Wearing same coat as your diseased loved one+
Dark bat like spirit creating seperation between lovers in a dark ship+
Black dog licking my face+
Rotten lemon in a closed jar+
Liste ange abime+
Physical pain in life+
Wound and legs seen in dreams+
I dream of giving my landlady a bottle of wine+
Dream of giving my land lady a bottle of wine+
Returning of lost bags+
Some one licking my pussy+
My one side love girl coming in my every dream and every midnight+
Lightning bolt symbol+
Being chased by you late grandma+
Lied about going on hiday to meet extended relatives+
I dreamt of two unknown ladies forcibly spraying me some form of clear liquid+
Lots of squirell+
Seeing lots of squirells leading the path for you and then other bite you+
Large quantity of foamy saliver from the mouth+
Dreaming of one foot falling into a latrine then someone helps wipe the feces+
I saw lightning of many colors like judgement in a dream+
Dealing of someone s death on their bday in real life+
Balance sheet layout+
Sheep and lamb attacking me+
Empty luggage pavking with cry+
Dream of someone showing you a palm trees leave pointing it downward on the tree+
Someone laying on my tummy+
Czasem mozna byc samotnym wsrod ludzi+
White sheets on a clothes line+
Spiritual meaning of okazi leaf+
Colorful birdhouse lining a driveway+
Animal heart kidney liver spleen on the side of the road+
Losing you pair of shoes+
Your lover praying+
Lavitating walking in mid air+
Lobola cow+
Lots of cooked white samp+
Shiv ling par genda full+
Large apple+
Seeds of life+
Dream white lady with one arm+
Live maggots coming from your skin+
Cilantro leaf+
Parsley leaf+
Wearing medicine leaf as a shoe+
Wearing leaf shoes+
Building life size sandcastle+
Red and white lion cloth+
Lifted on his lap+
Left ear falling+
Loose screws+
Leaking collapsing roof+
Loss of glasses and everything is blurry+
Losing purse or phone+
Husband leaving me wearing my clothes+
I saw sand water in lake+
Dreaming lots of fish in your dreams+
What is the meaning of dreaming about crocodile laying egg?+
Seeing budgies in a beautiful garden and dogs and playing with a lion+
Deceased loved one in a cage+
Dream of realizing luggage is unprepared for travel+
Seeing a lot of deity in d dream afterpraying real life+
I saw my late mum in dream wearing green clothes and her brother was talking to her about the past harmful words he used on her and she just said god knows the best and in that dream it seems like i was wearing the same cloth with her+
I dreamt of running late for the sport game+
Ladyness meaning+
Member lisy+
Own name on a list+
I desire to learn how shoot an arrow in my dream?+
Pursed lips and chin stroking while looking intensely+
Picking up lots of gold jewelry from ground+
Late father gave me a new clothes in the dream+
I saw an a helicoter flighung and landing+
I dream of a very large snake+
Lizard jump+
Religios leader+
Giving two pwapwa by late grandma+
Dream of three contact lenses stuck in right eye pulled out part of skin on eye+
Lord jagannath ji in dream+
L dream harvesting mopane worms what is the lucky number?+
A lot of water in the living room floor+
In love with a demon+
Leading a pastors down the stairs+
Tiger lion cheetah and panther chasing after me+
A group of pastors lined up walking down the stairs+
A group of pastors lined up and marching out the church+
Dreaming of seeing liver+
Agreeing for love marriage+
Gathering water leaf in the dream+
Spaceship leaving earth+
Loved one crawling towards me+
Dog biting my legs and not wanting to let go+
Live mopane worm+
Snake on my legs+
The meaning of the symbols of lakhe and chasing seen in a dream+
Being stalked by former lover+
Almost late boarding a plane+
Late getting into a plane+
I had a dream where an eagle body and a humanish head with cream locs was watching the front door when i noticed it said something like why are you scared?+
Afang leaves+
Dream of falling in love with husband again+
Late father sleeping quietly+
Dream of my late father is sleeping+
Dream of my late father sleeping+
Live teddy bear+
Dream being your self tied by a rope your legs tied and hands+
Rope tied to your legs and hands meaning+
Alma mater look g for lost personal items+
White lady with two black kids+
Vestido largo+
See a letter in the palm of ur hand+
Palm tree leaflet knots in a dream meaning+
Loosing a tied goat+
When you recieved a slippers from a lady?+
Oil on a pregnant woman legs+
Rubbing oil on a pregnant woman legs+
Dreams about late cousin asking for coffee+
Lord kuber name on wall in dream+
To carry load in dream+
Monitor lizard in dream+
A lot of bumps on my legs+
Talking to someone about christ while knotting palm leaf in to two knots in a dream meaning+
Four skinned cows and the mother of this cows is tied all the legs+
Two tied knots of palm leaf and one untied in a dream meaning+
Rocket launch fail+
Parents agreeing love marriage with my boyfriend+
Large gums on teeth+
Teeth and large gums+
Seeing your daughter swept away by a landslide of mud+
Large gums+
Parents agreed to marry my love+
Feeling of having left the jail but despertly trying to get bacc in to the jail+
Red and blue police lights+
Blue and red light alternating+
Dead person lying in bed+
I am eating cooked lady finger in dream+
I am eating ladyfinger veg in dream+
Lots mirror+
Mom bringing me lots of frozen dinners+
Given a lady my number in a dreams means+
Mom in lingerie+
Man to man making love and romance+
Lying on the mat+
Dream about being laid off+
Dream of being laid off+
What does it mean to eat washed bitter leaf in a dream?+
Cellphone lost+
Dorm living+
Losing right shoe+
Long table with green cloth+
Sleep lonte+
Cant say la ilaha il la lallah+
A lamb crying+
Lint on scissors+
Laundry in former rented house with siblings+
What does it mean to see your deceased love one in your dream trying on clothes?+
Laundry in a former rented apartment+
Of loved one in dream+
Deceased loved one not talking to me+
Collecting lemon in a dream+
Dreaming of a white royal lady getting married to a black community wearing a wedding gown+
Libros de autoayuda y relaciones+
Deceit mother with a clean laundry+
Ascent in a truck with my love+
Driving up a steep incline on sand with my love+
Lawnmower bathtub+
Lawnmower in bathtub+
What does a lion and cow mean?+
Watching a lover vomit+
What does it mean when someone offers you vaseline for your lips in a dream?+
Lawrence oyor in dream+
Dividing up land+
What does it mean to dream about lydia tablets?+
Lydia tablets+
Meaning of lydia tablets in dream+
Running dream after loosing bra+
Licked by a large lizard+
When you drink pap with liquid milk in the dream?+
Large classroom+
Letters alphabet+
Losing your home+
Dreams of not being able to leave bathroom+
Peace and love handout+
A deserted house with my love+
Black lady on porch+
Two black lines down my stomach+
Someone asking you to put your legs in an empty calabash+
Red long dress+
A lady pouring salt on a dead body in my dream+
Pumping milk from left+
Dreaming about truck leaking petrol+
Lots of small bats in my house flying meaning+
Too much lizards in dreams+
Somebody throwing spear to me and i throw stone but i see tree full of leaves and unions+
Dreaming of assassination of a loved one+
What does it mean when you dream of a friend and that friend ends up dead before you wake and real life not in your dream?+
Red and blue lighting coming out of hands+
Trying to stop me from leaving+
Dreaming my late mother give me a baby boy to feed and he was dirty+
My late my mother was giving me a baby boy to feed and he was dirty+
Dreaming my late mother giving me a baby boy to feed and this child was dirty+
Dreaming of a child having three legs+
Dad lost his legs+
Large group of flies chasing me+
What does it mean if someone knocks on your door and says you left your bleach and you answer the door and someone points a gun at your face?+
Asked to leave a party+
Asked to leavea party+
Level crossing+
Hiding a copper ladder+
What does it mean when a dead person appears in your dream hugs you kisses you and tell you you have one goat left+
What does it mean when you have a dream of a dead person the dead person comes to you and tells you that you have one ship left the you and kisses+
What does it mean when a dead person appears in your dream the person kisses you ask you and tells you that you still have the ship left+
To recover your washed clothes from line+
Ewedu leaf in the dream+
A guy removing liver from body+
Two weasels one defecates on my left foot+
Two weasels in shits in my left foot+
Weasel poked and peed on my left foot+
Broken cup decorated with your late father picture+
Cincin nikah lepas+
Dream of niece and husband losing home+
Late grandmother helping me with a baby+
Long concrete steps+
Seeing aeroplane with green light in the dream+
Large puss filled cyst on left side of my neck+
Jesienna lista wyzwań+
Big black cricket left arm landed snd wont leave+
Licking another womans vigina+
In my dream water was coming out of my houses luff together with fresh fish+
Killing leopard+
Lemur biting+
I dreamt that there was a loud power surge in my house but the lights did not go out+
Road rage leading to accident+
Grinding leaf in the dream what is the meaning+
Lizard in buttermilk+
Given money to my late mom in the dream+
Buying sandal for late father+
Throwing kids in the lake+
Lamb and girl in dream+
Seeing a lamb in dream+
Dream of flying in the dark, while standing straight witk a bright light guiding me, while holding a small pet snake+
Dream that i have lost car+
Hole left hand+
Seeing luffa plants+
I see people that i never saw in my life+
I went underwater saw a temple with laughing buddha and snake on a box above it+
On the top roof of my house, the minister of information in cambodia smile at me, then i gave luggage to a man to keep it for someone else.+
Lifting a car up+
On the roof top of my house the minister of information smiling at me, then i dropped out luggage to a man for him keep for someone else+
Limes fallen drom tree+
Pickkng limes from ground+
Giving breakfast deceased loved one+
Pickkng up limes from ground+
Caught the lochness monster+
Being lead to a dirty water so many times+
Lover with sword+
Left fans lump+
Finding watches in a dream and lucky number+
Bathing your late mom in a dream+
Dream of a large steel door it open for me+
My late father building me a big house+
Lord vithalla in dream+
Telling someone to leave you alone+
Dream about leaving islam+
An excursion of a stationed long line of cars+
An excursion with a long line of stationed cars in a dream+
Lauki dreams means+
Licking salty pussy means in dream+
Receiving a laptop in the dream+
Key lime+
Dream of oha leaf+
Dreamnt eating green dried leaves, on my way to catch a taxi but i woke up before the taxi came.+
Dreaming of lions and tigers+
Mimpi istri sendiri diperkosa orang lain+
A long curve neck means+
Fruit large insect inside+
Lost pocket book+
Red leaves+
Carabaos in the water with lots of people+
Dry clothes on a hanging line then rains come meaning+
Clothes, legs+
Dreaming of a lost cat coming back+
I lost my cats two months ago. last night i dreamt about her coming back and she told me what had happened. she said the neighbours stole her, but she was eaten by wild pigs.+
My left nipple fell off+
Late mother being mean+
Falling into an icy lake+
All fishes died in river but only one big fish live+
Lying together+
Avoiding lion+
Lions running free+
I dreamed three white horses. two of them were the parents of a third white horse just born and the parents died but the baby horse lived+
One leged man+
Lost pocketbook+
Dressing in lemon green cloth+
I was writing a comic and then the lights went off. it was night and my i pad was in front of me. and then i post my comic online and i get a message from a stalker+
Which lotto number+
Lowongan kerja ikn free+
Lowongan kerja australia+
Lowongan kerja terbaru abroad+
Lowongan kerja vacancy cpns terbaru+
Lowongan kerja cpns+
Lowongan kerja jobs bandar togel+
Lowongan kerja today+
Dream of been injected in your left hand side+
Dreams of receiving dripe on your left hand side+
Lady giving haldi kumkum | dream interpretation+
Meaning of a dream that my so fell into a pit latrine+
Cassava leaves dreams meaning+
Dream of a large staple in my head+
Wife leaving me to australia+
I was giving a girl toddler a lolipop which came to my work place which is a hair and beauty salon+
I was giving a lolipop to a girl toddler which came with her parents at my place which is a salon+
Being lost meaning+
Losing voice and looking for it+
Green large tree+
A folded local mat means+
Lots of maxi pads+
Killing a pregnant lady+
Lots of fish passing in the river+
What does it mean when i dream someone paying lobola for me to my family?+
What does it mean when i dream someone paying lobola for me to my family+
Lucky number that u can bet when dreaming of tortoise+
Dreamt of you ,you and and your mom pull up infront of my house we all have purple on and you tell me come we going to be late for our flight we leaving for ummrah and i tell you but i am not packed and your mom say come i packed for both of you ,but you see your mom look like she does in the picture you sent in the group+
I saw a man licking my vegina in the dream what is the meaning+
A man in love with me+
Loosing educational certificate in dream+
Dreaming of loosing your certificate+
Losing belly button ring+
Lacing up shoe strings+
White lionesses+
Lizards and snakes+
Lady in red saree+
Dream seeing lion in front of ur partner+
Nuns in light blue dress+
With a shrub with leaves and branches on it+
Dreaming a girl liking her in the dream giving her your number+
Throwing large objects+
Left in a room with the dead+
Meaning of licking vitamin c in dream+
Pulling a long string out of my nose in a dream+
Spoilt leftover fufu+
Dog licking up s ed drinks+
Rushing and late+
Dreamt of my late mom having periods+
Floating through a house of someone in my past driving a car lots of water+
Dreaming of many coffins line up in a graveyard covered by the same black net+
Oyster dream interpretation lucky numbers+
Dog with five limbs+
Dreaming of where i live+
Static leading me white room bad person+
I was lighting incense sticks and butter lamp+
Long dog toenail+
Driving to a stop light+
Kiss in lips+
Losing a ladder+
Laughing with people+
Seeing oha leaf in a dream+
Two fire flames on someone grave and someone bad come back to life+
Taro leaves or plant+
To see someones name erased from the list+
Lovingly diamonds+
Living dreams+
You heared demon laughing+
I had a dream of horse legs+
I dreamed of my aunt with horse legs+
I had a dream of my aunt having legs of a horse+
Buried longtime+
Falling from cliff to lots of stingrays swimming calm on top of each other clear blue water+
Lots of stingrays swimming calm on top of each other clear blue water+
Preparing palm nut soup with your lover means what+
The boy whose i love+
Love person+
Dream mean logo the meaning of the symbols of eating, baby, flesh and hands seen in a dream+
Love png latest kwap+
Dead exboyfriend house on lake+
Exboyfriend house on lake+
My boyfriend leaving with a lady+
Lost shirt from my ex+
Asking an old lady for help+
See large tree with bright light+
Spend time with mother before she passed away and lightning struck her coffin two times+
If someone gives you laptop in a dream meaning+
The meaning of the symbols of giving and laptop seen in a dream.+
Holding hands then letting go+
Baby in a dream said that allah loves me+
Lion eating goat+
Crow trying to kill a lizard which has bitten me+
Painting a bedroom lavender+
Living in a hut+
Baby leopard protect+
My wife see with a dream the door not brocken but the thief getting in the house and stealing yellow color bed sheet and leather foot sacks what mean in islam+
What is meaning if i see a dwarf laughing and i am crying and dwarf run away when i fall+
Draw me an intelligence agency logo with a wolf and a shield in it, use the colors blue, white, black and yellow.+
Losing driver licence+
Making wooden lights+
Making niche lights+
Switching lanes at at store+
Dreaming of making love with a man+
Octopus laying eggs in a dream+
Fish line+
Planting young lettuce+
Getting lost in the street+
Praying and my left hand shaking+
Dream of praying and my left hand shaking+
A position of lecturing at school+
A position of lecturing in a school+
Life prison sentence+
My dead father dressed in white laughing and talking to me while walking in water+
Broken shiv lingam+
Late mother waving+
I found my lost slipper in dream+
Mourning flower love+
Dream about rubbing red oil on your hands and legs+
Palm tree larvae+
Picking palm tree larvae+
Somebody encouraging my land+
Seeing yourself lying inside a clean gutter before coming out+
Purple lupine+
Green grass in the field convert to lotto numbers+
Dream of losing a red trench coat+
Dream learning maths in class as a group and the teacher is a celebrity+
Hair on lower legs+
Drinking lassi by pregnant woman indicates which gender+
Drinking lassi by pregnant woman+
Saw an old man with white long beard+
Meaning of killing a lizard in my dream+
I see dream about son but see face of live brother+
Multiple lions getting killed by hippo+
Long thin face+
Eating cow legs+
Someone lickings my private part+
Dogs licking each other+
Dream female lion+
Dreamed about my late dad+
I dreamt of opening the door for my childhood girlfriend the girl looked younger and thinner than she actually is and she hug me+
Resigning work letter+
Seeing a snake passing through my legs in my dream+
Sucking the left and holding the right one with my right hand+
Hard lumps on stomach+
Leaking water dream interpretation+
Christmas light+
Luxury wallets+
Leaping to the ceiling+
Mountain lion attacking my chind in his younger version+
Mountain lion attacking my cjild when he was young+
Snake bit index finger of left hand+
Being issued a lawsuit+
Lesbian dream as a straight woman+
White lady in long black dress+
What is the meaning of dreaming of cooking sweet potatoe leaves+
Dreaming about lath palm trees+
A japanese lady in a white dress with long hair+
Fruit lime+
Green lips+
Large vein in head+
Washing bed linens+
Smooth lavender stones+
Lavender stones+
X laying his head on my legs+
Dreams about step brother and step sister causing me to be late for work+
Speaking alien language+
Lion escaped+
Serving tea for your in-laws+
To see duck on land relaxing on ground and throwing stone to it+
A single lady being given an oversized ring by the boyfriend+
Boy licking a girl virgina+
Dreaming myself licking a girl virgina+
My late mother killed a hen for me+
If you see a dead old lady pounding fufu in your dream+
A witch licking vigina and money coming out+
Leeches all over my jeans and i kill some with salt but still few remains+
Letter from friend+
Lost a cap in the dream+
Large wooden castle door+
Losing and finding engagement ring stone+
Leaving shoes on a bus+
Making love with mad woman in a dream means+
Finding love in a dream+
I dreamt someone was helping me wash my hair and also combing it. it was long beautiful black hair+
Dream boiling milk and leakage+
Feet getting locked into rocks while walking in the water+
Telling my late dad how i love and respect him+
Loved one worried+
Letting go of your partners hands+
Lost in a series of buildings+
Praying at lakeside+
Lying about husbands death+
What does it mean when you are given water leaf in your dream?+
Laptop stolen and then falling and broken+
Lunatic person in my home+
Dreaming of an old sick person like a lunatic sitting on your veranda+
Cleaning a lions teeth+
Skinny limbs+
Someone licking my ear+
False teeth losing one tooth+
Waiting in line before atm+
Lying in the crypt of jesus+
Dreamt someone brought a cat litter box to dinner and i got a rid of it+
I gave a girl her lost big phone in dream+
If someone dream about you a leader in a well-being+
Seeing lion in dream+
Seeing three newborn child foam for lying down in dream+
Train station loved one+
Late dad sending you on errand+
Lady with scarf and soup+
Litchi eating+
Dreaming my husband have long hair+
Fixing lawnmower+
The mean ing of picking lack plums in your dream under a plum tree+
Living by the sea+
Dream of a snake passing between my legs+
Lost and return+
Cat getting out and getting lost+
Dream of locked drawer+
Dream of being given a long rod+
Dream of being given a long cane+
Kissing the fist lady of my country+
Water leaf dream+
Lost docket+
Dreaming of late mother and sister at a aorport+
Your love one spraying perfume on you in a dream+
Leaving someone at the alter+
Christmas lights with yellow bulb+
Tatto with christmas lights+
Lettuce on neck+
Lettuce growing on back of neck+
Lettuce growing on back of nr+
Licked by horse+
Betal leafs+
One brother kills his litttle brother+
My eyes leaking wax+
Someone gives a meat of lamb+
Something visible and no longer visible+
Larvae on my body+
Seeing something and after getting closer the thing is no longer there+
Meaning of losing a football match in the dream+
Red lightning strikes+
Dream of my friend being lost+
Fish biting my lips+
Mosquito larvae+
Lubang di dahi+
Methi leaves+
Lost a chair+
Big contact lens+
Eating ripe yellow pawpaw and pumpkin leaves+
Saw my late dad arrested by the police+
Eating laddoo in dream+
Laddoo in dream+
People who started laughing at you in church+
Two mules pulling a large cart while i hold the reins+
Two mules pulling a large cart while i hold the rains+
Brown color lipstick+
Run a red light+
Dream of finding a lost phone+
Interpretation leather belt+
Leather and belt+
Dream of loosing your wife car+
Dream of losing your wife car+
Worshipping god with person i love+
What does it means to get a safe locker in your dream?+
Getting a safe locker in your dream+
Dream interpretation leather+
Cutting off moms lips with a scissor+
Great jhum land in dream in shillong teer+
Jhum land in dream teer numper+
Breaking lower branch of tree+
Was on the phone with an egyptian lady, she told me to go to a tree and break off a branch, i asked which one the upper or lower branch, she instructed me to break the lower branch+
Eating oranges on a long journey+
Dream of old lady give me money+
Affection from a young asian lady to me+
Modern library+
Loving couple+
Lots of white rocks and bugs+
Ascend in a laddder+
Going up on a makeshift ladder+
Loops removal+
Removing loops from pants+
Removing loops from clothes+
Seeing a gate with padlock trying to lock that gate n saw a dog coming around n clamming it was for him someone came in writing codes on the ground n this padlock came back to me after everything+
Finger induced lucid+
Black lions+
A dream of a mad lady giving you money money+
Lion adteam+
Picking limes+
Letter with disappearing words in+
When i was walking home i bumbed into a guy then as we fell he tired saving me by holding my waist but he felt my hips and kept on slowly moving his hands all over my hips,waist and lower back. but then i was home reading a book and he was their sitting next to me still holding my waist but i allowed him too+
Dream someone licking my forehead+
Having a love interest with a demon+
Seeing heart and liver in the floor meaning+
Doggie bag leftovers+
Finding a new house to live in+
Falling from ski lift+
The meaning of the symbols of toothbrush, losing, bristle, brushing of teeth seen in a dream+
Golden ladybug+
Large table set to eat+
Late to wedding+
Being left with other peoples luggage+
Islamic dream losing my voice+
Get appointment letter+
Left fingers growing back after being cut+
Dream of being in a cave. have to find items in the cave that were symbolized on the counter before i could leave. i was being timed+
Your late mother give birth to twins boys+
Dreaming to burn a lion+
To burn a lion+
Dreaming burning a lion+
To see in your dream set of lunch wear+
Dream beating a mad young lady+
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