Dream Interpret | Dream Interpretation
Dream Dictionary - A to Z

Dreams starting with the letter W

Meaning of a workers hard hat+

Face the wall+

Dream of someone giving me a two wrappers+

Whats a number ssshiated wih spiders+

Wearing matching clothes with someone+

Chasing a mad woman+

Dream of chasing amad woman means what?+

Wearing school bag full of books+

Round room with no door or windows+

Firework work accident death+

Eye with white eyeshadow+

Why do i dream of physical fights with my co wife?+

Slipping in water logged place+

Crush giving me water bottle+

I am taking pictures of a group of family members who feel unrecognised by me and all of them wearing white clothes?+

Boyfriend wins bet+

Divorce women marriage+

Calm and shallow water and nothing around+

Driving in shallow water that is calm and the water is everywhere+

Mad person touch woman+

What does it mean when you are walking at night?+

Wishing someone to save you+

Seeing wife laughing+

Washing offal cow dresm+

Buying and wearing abaya+

Dreamed about a monster coming into my bedroom through the door and a tried to escape through the window and i made it to the ground the i ran down the side walk but the monster was following me+

What is the meaning of rich woman visit you?+

Toasting with milk and water+

Deceased husband in bed watching tv+

Watch ne zha two zero one nine+

Shooting wolf+

Mp3juices website+

Driving into water d+

Daughter playing in dirty water dream+

Wrestling birthday topper+

Wearing a wrinkled wedding dress ina dream+

Burnt wire+

A woman selling tomatoes in a dream+

I saw in my dream that i was very thirsty but every time i get thirsty i drink clean water directly from the cway brand water dispenser and in reality i wake up very thirsty+

Funny worth tilt+

Pet cattle dog walking with me+

Walking with a dog+

Dream about wearing tap shoes+

Dream about walking in tap shoes+


A mad woman physicaly takes your slipper+

Blue panther white room+

A girl wearing my boyfriend hoodie in dreams meaning+

Dreaming of a white baby hoarse+

Not owing white purse in real life buy losing white purse in dream+

Bleached white clothes+

Woman sitting on my feet+

Writing with left hand+

The meaning of the symbols of wearing wine cloth in the dream+

Being buried in cement with someone watching+

In a with cousins wife+

I dreamt that my mom was wearing my dresses+

Dream of a white dog with black spot+

Walking in to hole and struggling to get out+

Milk mixing with water+

S ing a cup of water on yourself+

Seeing my mother wearing my clothes+

To see a white dog with a red eye+

White dog with one red eye+

What is the meaning of dreaming having a conversation with wife of president into my house?+

Wanting to see someone+

Nighttime walk+

Watching a banana tree being cut+

Warm cream cheese and abagel+

A snack est a fish in water+

A dream where you can make out works you want to speak clearly?+

Am looking for shaper mashine whale+

Water in the mall+

Recovering your wrapper from someone+

Taking back you wrapper from someone+

Pregnant woman yam dream+

Wearing a smock in a dream+

Disappearing words on a page+

Wound with bleeding in the dream+

Killing ferocious warthogs in your home+

Dreaming of killing warthogs+

Dog with open wound+

I lay in bed and one of my sisters tries to shoot me through the window+

Dream meaning of buying wakye+

Temple are drowning under water+

Seeing a white woman in my dream while pounding melon for my soup+

The meaning of eating white sesame seed in the dream+

Bouncing water+

Wedding cake falling and break+

Wood in mouth+

Giving your enemy your wedding ring+

Going to die then wake up+

Catching whale+

Dreaming two women following me+

The meaning of the symbols of multiple and women seen in a dream+

Unmarred girl wearing mangal chain+

Passed lover wearing a blue suit+

A dream about a famous artist giving my wife a gift+

A dream about somebody giving my wife a present+

Room lights not working+

Gold and dead white cat in dream+

Ex girlfriend wearing all black on the side walk standing still staring at me with a smile+

Falling into deep waters+

Feeling into deep waters+

White frankolin+

What does it mean when u wear gold in dream and it begins to fade in some point?+

Dreamt of water erupting upwards with my dead father and sons+

People not caring wjen you die+

Meaning of an old woman that i m helping jer+

Meaning of rats eating ma under wear+

In my dream i saw a bird coming down over me with something white on his feet a drop it on me what is the meaning of this?+

I am a jar falling of a shelf and before i wakup up i realise it is a dream ive dreamt befor+

Being a jar falling o a shelf and before it shatters i wake up realising it was a dream ive dream several times before+

Broken glass window+

Grandmother wearing pink with pearl necklace+

Wrist to finger but middle finger cut+

Wearing a pink wedding dress+

Seeing my wife loving me in dream+

I went to a carnival and then somehow we ended up in between heaven and hell and then there was an elevator that you could take to go up and down and right before i woke up we had gone down to hell but i was leaving to go back to heaven what does that mean?+

When a dead roster wakes up?+

Neom wellness products+

Water coming from electrical socket+

Laying in clear water fish smiling with human teeth+

Winbox download mikrotik+

Defacating in public in workplace+

Mold on the wall+

Sun wukong taking me on adventure through the sky+

Getting in water with shoes+

Water rushing down a mountain+

Crying and sleeping on the road weeping+

Weeping and lying down on the road+


Big wrist watch on your hand+

Minimum height to wear safety harness+

Clothes hanging off a window ledge+

Image of a man kissing a woman on the cheek woman smiling+

Feeding friendly wolves+

Dead watering the grass+

Bulawayo weather forecast+

Fighting for a woman+

Two women getting married+

Dream of walking barefooted in toilet+

Dream of your cat at a wedding+

The meaning of dreaming about my partner wearing same clothes+

White kafour+

Whats to meet unown mother and son+

Water levels+

Killing wall gecko in a dream meaning+

White elephant with trapted+

Dreaming of wearing same cloth with my ex girlfriend+

Covered with white clothes in the dream+

Find meaning and interpretation of white bitter ball+

Dream of throwing away dirty water+

Dreaming of white two women as fr+

Touch a mad woman and going mad after the touch+

Touch a mad woman and going bad after the touch+

Dream about washing sufuria+

White eyes of a dead child+

Washing your hand with salt and water+

Husband is about to get married to another woman+

Seeing a car do a wheelie+

Given money by a white woman+

I have seen too much worm on my leg+

Shiny white teeth+

Snake chasing chicken under water+

Girls group weared hijab and called me+

Worms coming out under your feet+

Waking up in street+

Dead witches in my house that later wake up+

Flying over water from tree to tree+

Took worms out of you+

Air wiggle dancers+

Man pretending to be woman+

Man pretending ti be woman+

My husband was wearing a suit and walking in mud dream+

Dream of following my daughter walking+

Water been plugged+

Windows been nailed+

Witch in my family+

Asian fat woman sick+

Fat filipino woman sick+

Eating a large white onion+

Mother inlaw washing in a dream+

Dream of a man engaging a woman in a dream means what?+

What does it mean for a man to engage a woman in a dream?+

Ocean with no waterl+

Red head woman+

Friend wedding+

Wife scolding+

Wedding of a friend+

Socket plugs in water+

Plug sockets under water+

Dreaming of wearing sangoma sun clothes+

Many sockets under water+

Missed wedding+

Calling off a wedding+

One dreamt to instruct a woman being a christian to physically give me a new clothes as a man+

Missing wedding ceremony for daughter+

Watching dad kill cat+

White snake pooping dream+

Diamond fell out of the ring into a watet+

Ex husband new wife is wearing my shoes+

My ex wife wearing my shoes+

Write letter and give to someone that you attend church with+

Seeing your ex in a coffin dressed in white+

Dream of not wearing my hijab in the store and stealing+

Ex girlfriend in wedding dress+

Dreaming of being on a tall weird building in the clouds with an owl+

Wolf attacking me+

Wold attacking me+

Philip makwanya wife+

Dream about cleaning up cobwebs on the walls+

Overdressed in wool+

Dream about cleaning cobwebs on the walls+

I dreamed of my brother wife being pregnant+

What is a faded wedding?+

Dead brother in water+

White clothes with stains+

Dreaming of dead mom wearing sunglasses+

Dreams of a wallet on fire+

Wire attached to head+

Stoping water ocean+

Some one exchanged my white car in the dream+

Watching a prince doing handshake+

Pull white hair+

Washing clothes in ur dream+

Dead mother wearing gold+

Dream watching a goal score+

Dreaming of giving somebody a big bunch of wheat+

Suffer illness from someone who wished you harm for a long time?+

Mangal sutra worn by other lady+

Waterfall roads+

Wearing new clothes in your dream+

To wear new clothes+

Carrying your daughter and walking on slippery stone+

Walking up a slippery stone+

Native white chalk under my feet with a white plate and alligator pepper+

Seeing elderly brother sharing his white shirt to me for wearing+

Drinking ice water mix with coke+

I dream of how i and my wife went to fetch firewood as we were going it started raining?+

What is the meaning of seeing a mad woman praying?+

Co wife to give you money+

Co wife kneeling to you+

I ama widow saw someone was giving me my sindoor box in my dream+

To wear a ash shirt in the dream meaning+

Whats the meaning of preparing and cooking pork with lots of fat+

Wearing ash shirt in the dream meaning+

Dreaming of driving a white car+

My white car exchanged in the dream+

Some one exchange my model white car to harsh colour old model+

Meaning of rain washing away one of your slippers from your leg+


Dream meaning of seeing pieces of roasted chicken meat on a wire mesh+

Seeing water from a window+

White ant in the dream+

Dreaming of maori women+

Never succeed to write phone number in dreams+

What is the meaning of seeing your partner wearing orange slippers in a dream?+

Slushy waves+

Dream i have second wife+

Someone calling you the wrong name+

Gift of grey wrist watch+

Running water with feaches in dream meanig+

Eaten walnuts meaning+

My boss wearing a white shirt and a black trouser+

Baby in shallow water+

Wearing a blue beads on my waist+

Son attacked by wild cat+

Your coal some one watching over you while you sleep+

Dreaming of girlfriend wearing my shoe meaning+

Ex wife burning in fire+

Seeing my ex wife burning in fire+

Not winning+

Dreaming about picking up money from wastbeen+

Dreaming wearing umhlwehlwe+

I saw my self walking on the rocks passing by+

White baby colthes+

A lady giving me a box full of white baby clothes+

Dreaming of someone wearing police uniform+

Mazda6 warranty and coverage+

Copper wire pulling throat+

I was waiting with a ministry and out the window i could see buses moving fast+

Man walking towards with smile+

The word anomaly is used in dream several times+

Dive in clear waters+

Seeing your self walking in the kraal of cows+

Dream of falling into river water in islam+

Seeing white rope in a dream+

Mobeni worms+

What is the meaning if you dream mobeni worms?+

Watching a dead person in dreams+

Someone wareing one shoe dream meaning+

Someone wareing one shoe+

Pregnancy symptoms at one one weeks+

Women with bare bottom+

Daughter wearing navy blue and white dress with bare back showing her bottom+

My daughter wearing a navy blue and white dress with skimpy back showing bottom+

Waterslide in the streets+

Damask walls+

Woman open in up sibe seen dream teer number+

Woman open in up sibe seen dream+

Telling a lot of people to pray aftr seeing footprints on white cloud ascending heaven+

Dream about white peoples+

What does it mean see yourself in a mortuary walking there?+

Putting on white wedding dress spotted with gold means what?+

Wearing new big shoes in a dream+

My dog wanting to bite freinds+

Two crows killing a white pigeon+

White highlighter marker+

Crossing a river full of waves+

Collecting clothes that wind blew away+

To wrap+

What is the meaning of dreaming about walking in pot holes and mad?+

Dreams of white foam coming from the mouth+

Dreaming of white people in under water+

Witness of gunshot+

I saw three women putting on white garment+

Number related to white rooster+

White rooster number+

Worm flexh+

Skin worms+

Flesh worms+

Install zotero plugin in word+

Worm parasite+

Dream of weeping someone+

Badly cracked walls in house dream+

My wife cutting off my child hair+

Number of white kumodo dragon+

White kumodo dragon+

Dreaming of black widow spiders meaning+

Tall man and tall woman+

Woman in a barrel+

White one two plates in dream meaning+

Wearing a hijab+

How to improved infrastructure accessibility for persons using wheelchairs?+

Dream of holding money and changing it into next wallet+

Dream about money and wallet+

Drifting slippers in the water+

Feris wheel+

Owl opens wings+

Wearing of broken slipper+

Him wearing my night gown+

My boyfriend wearing a night gown+

Bathing in aloe water+

To see my partner wearing my bath gown+

To see my partner wearing female underpants+

Big white house+

Ghost with black wedding dress+

Wrecking pies+

Crush wanted to kill me+

Washing my private part in a dream+

Modern kitchen island with bold color and wood countertop+


Dreaming of someone in a white dress+

Dreaming about yourself and someone else in white dresses+

My mum wearing a ring in my dream+

My mother wearing a ring in mt dream+

Walking on a railroad track+

Ferron welding rods four+

Worms from your nose+

Husband takes on second wife+

At gun point but walked away unharmed+

House that has a hole wall+

Youtube for kids to watch+

Being whipped with a switch+

Being bitten by a whi6 serpent twice on one hand in a dream+

The meaning of the symbols of ble and white clothes seen in adream+

Wire ensure elbow+

Not crossing a dirty body of water+

Bout to die in a dream and then wake up in pee+

Work in food+

Dreaming of sprinkler water park+

Dreaming of sprinkler water ad green park+

Dreaming of sprinkler wtrin green park+

A word from a unknown man sitting next to coal fire+

White horse running away+

Vic falls water fall video+

Watering sugar cane and pants in the dream+

Watering sugar cane+

Two women in the same bed and one falls off+

Celebrating my wedding+

I was fetching water from a tap+

Dream of wife showing you that she is on her menstrual period+

Dreaming of open wounds in my legs+

What does it mean when a wife and husband driving different cars but thy are going to the same destination in a dream?+

Not wearing uniforms+

Police not wearing uniforms+

Mad woman bite in the dream+

Mad wonman bite+

Kaaba walls cramples+

To walk with walking stick in dream+

Ex wearing a grey suit+

To back woman at ur back in dream+



Women in purple playing hide andseek+

Heavy water bottles+

I have dream of alive mother and dead father walking together+

Want to write using a laptop then sit on desk top then later go were are a lot clean beautiful chairs and new plugs to plug the laptop top+

Sleep with a mad woman+

To see another man wearing your husband clothes+

Dreaming inside clean water+

I dream about my girlfriend taking a bath in a backet full of water+

Kill tortoise in dream at farm in inside water+

I dream my wife give birth to a baby girl+

When someone is drinking alternated wine that the out coconut inside?+

Dreaming of casting out of evil spirit of witches+

Symbols of dreaming of praying delivering witch+

The symbols of fighting the witch in dream and overcome her+

Wearing a wedding gown+

Seeing hairy legs of woman in dream+

Hopi woman+

Hopi woman on dream+

I dreamt waiting for someone who was unplugging the purple onions and i helped him back then he gave me some onions?+

With old woman and man+

Dreaming of a baby with white hair+

Women in men mesjid+

Washing grain+

Walking in a pathway in the bush with touch light+

My brother sleeping with my wife+


Old friends wearing gifts give to them+

Chopping off shoulders of woman who tried to kill me?+

Wheeled drone+

Stain in a white shirt+

Wearing and trousers much big seen in a dream+

Wapusawapusa church in zim+

Seeing a ship and tortoise in water together+

Water pouring out the sky+

Walking in plenty green sea grapes leaves+

Recurring dream of in wheelchair+

Warning to get under your bed+

Dream meaning of my wife with my spare key+

Two male one woman+

I had a dream about white walls patterns on them a secret door with hidden people and hidden women behind the door+

Weird bugs+

Wife had uterus removed+

Witnessing child death+

Window in my room+

I dreamt my son na name was written on fence+

I turned into a wolf sized fox with pure white fur+

Whatsapp web+

My dead dad was washing me and my siblings in the ocean+

Raining on me as i walked along+

Loosing watch+

I had a dream of jumping of a ship and when i went in the water i felt it as if i really did just jump in water my cat was on my chest and suddenly jumped off as if he felt the water too?+

Dark and colorful world+

White victorian dress+

Seeing plli dots dog black and white dog in my dreams meaning+

Seeing black and white dog in my dreams meaning+

Black and white dog in a dream+

What is the meaning of seeing a jain monk in dream as a woman in hindi?+

Glowing beautiful woman walking towards crowd+

Mom warning dream+

My mom warning me in dream+

Seeing your partner in a maroon wedding dress+

A dream a big wave hitting the house but the house and kids are safe+

Washing a ladies pants+

Someone brushes your neck with a wet wash rag+

Angel in a white tornado+

Worm epidemic+

A woman i never met and has wounds on her feet+

Dream of getting tattoo to my wife+

Dreaming about white skin colour people+

White mug cup+

My husband divorcing me and married another woman+

Being gifted a new wrapper in the dream+

Water pooll showing pig+

If a dead person plays holi with water in dreams+

Dreaming of being a chief as a woman+

Blue water lack+

White milk coming out of belly button+

Marrying wrong person+

First day of work+

The meaning of an eagle flying around in the sky with a white chicken in its clause then leaves it beside me+

Wife getting job meaning+

Sleeping woman+

Brown haired woman+

Sewing a white pants+

Pulling wire from side of chest+

Nec construction working hours+

Washing face with soap and water in a basin+

Garden under water+

Water church+

Wild mangoes+

Weed grass from my maize farm+

Dreaming about someone wearing black moaning clothes+

Washing perewinkle in the dream+

Washing periwinkle+

Washing plenty remove periwinkle in the dream+

Seeing dead father eye watering+

Spike wall coming at you+

Water coming out of my navel+

Dead worms and insects around a toilet cistern+

My wife getting tattoo on her body dream meaning+

My wife getting tattoo on her body+

Wearing unpaired slippers+

Walking on top of ocean+

Male friend dreamt i was wiping dirt away from his face+

Jumping in water with a partner as in crossing a pool of water+

Catching water in a bottle at a tank dream meaning+

Big ed women in red lingerie+

Being chased by my late mother wanting to beat me+

Soapy water in dream+

Wearing my father clothes in the dream meaning+

Dream washing pubic area in public+

Old man with white beard giving me gold ring and smi+

Dreaming of officiating a wedding+

Working with successful man in the dream+

Washing snail meat+

Serving food to the wealth person+

Winning rice+

Being pursued by a mad woman+

Walking through gate+

Buying white dress for an engagement+

Dream of a horse under water+

What is the meaning of dreaming wearing a short navy blue trouser?+

Wearing mismatched slippers shoe in a dream+

Dog attacked giant white and yellow snake to protect me+

White crab in the sea+

Sharing pure water in my dream+

To five markets was profitable last week teach forex trading+

Walls of butter+

What does it mean when you dream of a women wearing white and red doek?+

What does it mean when you dream of your self walking on a road where there is a river that has crocodiles inside a river with a women wearing red doek?+

Winning the+

A king dream of red crown with white+

Dreams about skin walkers+

Black and white butterflies images drawing+

The meaning of the symbol of woman with three seen in a dream+

My mom wearing my dress+

Wall cladding zimbabwe+

Black worm leaving the body+

Washing dog legs+

Looking in the mirror and discovering white lashes+

Aeroplane wallpaper 4k+

Walking on sticks+

Seeing our pastor drinking wine+

Pastor taking wine+

Fetching water from a well then dries up+

Dead wasp coming out your mouth wit ants+

Sinking in dirty water+

I choked a white dog+

In my dream i was choking a little white dog+

Looking for water in my dream+

Drinking water in my dream+

Water interpretations+

Holding white rosary in a hand+

Washing your face with a sachet of pure water+

Husband and whale+

White and yellow snake+

Wheel theft+

Climbing a a window+

Manny whores+

Seeing my father who is still alive wear dirty and torn clothes?+

Watching bharathanatyam dancers performing in dream+

Wearing same coat as your diseased loved one+

Degrading words examples+

Dreaming about being helped by my husband whilst i am single+

Women with no hair+

Snake bite woman+

Bold women+

Little boy watching me+

A boy wearing a batman mask+

Dream of white monkey+

Missing wall in home+

Husband and a wife visitors+

Plugging waterleaf+

Log of wood and thorn+

Wound and legs seen in dreams+

I dream of giving my landlady a bottle of wine+

Dream of giving my land lady a bottle of wine+

Someone gives me poison water to drink+

Dreaming of where i was fetching water with gallons?+

Witch in dream+

I saw goddess parvathi decorated with turmeric and kum kum and i toched and worshipped her+

To see husband and wife fight in dream+

Wearing a white wedding dress while on fire+

A waka boat is rowed into the sky+

A waka is rowed into the sky+

Dreaming filling seven containers with water+

Ushawa wimbani+

The meaning of the symbols of filling containers with water in a dream+

Winning a gold medal+

U married woman gold chain+

Meaning of black and white+

Dream about having a braai of chicken wings+

Braai chicken wings+

Being in the states with my nephew and sister and cousin walking outside and seeing the bright red sky and a plane flying+

Mad woman dragging food with my son+

I dream my wife sweating all over her body+

Consulting sangoma or witch doctor+

Dreaming of one foot falling into a latrine then someone helps wipe the feces+

Dream of disvirgin woman in a dream+

What if i saw a dream that my dad father keeping a saree to my mother and she refused it to wear and then i hand over that saree?+

Work but not prepared+

My husband bathing with another woman+

Dream about trap crossing a river with dirty water+

Riding a white horse without saddle+

Flower kept from widow women+

Neom wellbeing+

Bigfoot running past my house jumped in the road put his hand on its back then went into the woods+

Dreaming of bigfoot running past my house jumping off the hill acting like it hurt its back and hollered at me wyatt went into the woods+

Husband wife marathon+

Husband and wife marathon+

Husband and wife running marathon+

Seeing a huge wave but being completely unharmed+

Four guys catch up my wife+

Czasem mozna byc samotnym wsrod ludzi+

White sheets on a clothes line+

Seeing dead husband in a white shirt looking past me+

Seeing dead ex-husband in a white shirt+

Is in an empty white room with no way out+

Trapped in an empty room with no doors or windows and can hear your daughter talking+

In an empty room with no windows or doors with green and white wallpaper+

White woman transitioning to black man+

Dead mother walking out the door+

If i rub myself white powder in the dream what does it mean?+

Riding in a carabao watching fireworks+

Earings white+

Being widow in dream+

Seeing an immaculate white gift bag+

Best friend wearing torn jeans and white bracelet+

John written+

20th century fox walpaper+

White smoke coming out of body+

Watching a women eat a pear+

A women eating a pear+

Huge white bed+

Water cannon+

Wearing a wolf fur coat+

Lavitating walking in mid air+

Pool of bloody water+

Obese woman in a pool+

Dreaming wearing umqhele+

Does acid aborb wter in+

Wrist quality brave+

Finding walnut+

Dream of an east indian wedding maid of honor wearing a crown that keeps slipping+

Hitting my head on wall+

Waking up to knocking in a dream+

Bridesmaid wearing an elaborate crown that keeps slipping+

Lots of cooked white samp+

Diamonds and water+

Diamonds in the water along with my friend+

Wiping hands of on someone+

Witch doctor in a dream+

Dream white lady with one arm+

Wearing medicine leaf as a shoe+

Wearing leaf shoes+

Dead dressed in white giving me money+

Husband hating wife+

Wave taking me+

Red and white lion cloth+

Blue sparrow getting its wing trapped+

Quarrel and husband wife seen in a dream+

Rattling window+

Weights being chucked at you+

Ur ex spraying graffiti on walls+

Wearing shoe inside celestial church in dream+

Man and woman waving arms in air fat on arms sagging+

Under arms fat in a man and woman+

Dream of seeing a man and woman sagging skin under their arms+

Bird on a wire+

The electrolysis of waker+

One woman with two men+

Faucet black water+

White socks dream+

Octopus without water+

Dreaming wearing a priest rope+

Broken window to due high wind+

Husband leaving me wearing my clothes+

I saw sand water in lake+

Someone dreaming of two partners wearing the same clothes+

Two people wearing the same clothes+

Asian witch+

Giving water to my mother in law to drink+

Waking on a path over ruff water+

Dreaming wearing prison clothes+

Seeing a boy wearing red cap+

Wasting food+

What does it mean if you dream of someone burying your waist wanting to talk to you?+

Walls falling in+

On a boat at night and seeing my dad water the garden+

Intercourse with black women big ass+

Hidding in water+

Eating white yam+

Wife running away from me+

Stairs and the walls moving away as i push them+

Wearing sthethoscope+

Wearing sthethoscope and white coat+

Seeing some one when has reduced in weight?+

I saw my late mum in dream wearing green clothes and her brother was talking to her about the past harmful words he used on her and she just said god knows the best and in that dream it seems like i was wearing the same cloth with her+

To see pregnant woman in dream+

Wearing waist beads in my dreams+

Fasi women+

Meaning of me receiving weavon as a gift+

Wedding of a relative+

Wife dreaming being fed by another man+

I dream n a hand puting rainbow color in a glass of water meaning+

Warr on hands+

Why are my hands always weak in a dream?+

Why are my arms always weak in a dream?+

What is the meaning of eating white ekuru and eko in dream?+

When you dream of selling wakye n plenty people are buying it wat does it mean?+

Knocking and waking me up the same time in the morning+

He gabbed my waist+

What does it mean to see millipede on nihtthe wall at?+

What does it mean to see millipede on the wall at?+

L dream harvesting mopane worms what is the lucky number?+

Dreaming yourself as a second wife in your marriage+

A lot of water in the living room floor+

Dream water inside the house and shit on the top of toile+

Collecting mopane worms+

L had a dream collecting mopsne worms+

A group of pastors lined up walking down the stairs+

My deceased son was talking to me in a white room+

Ex cutting my wrist+

Chasing your wife in a dream+

Bed sheet worn out+

Apple floating in water being eaten by a fish+

Winning the election dream meaning+

Dreaming of a black woman in a red hijab with gold accents+

Dreaming of a woman taking a bath+

Watching another family jump in to save their child+

Gathering water leaf in the dream+

Dreaming of worms coming out of private part+

Dream of winged statue+

A flowing water with big rock+

Dream of trimming away white hair on my head+

Watching family fight while holding a baby+

Seeing my girlfriend in dreams walking together+

Being chased by a he white sheep in a dream+

Dog biting my legs and not wanting to let go+

What does it mean when i dream of being in white milky water?+

Husband is showing me pictures on phones and runs into pictures hidden of ex wife+

Picking of eatable worms+

Live mopane worm+

Water power+


What it mean to give my mom an african wrapper?+

What it mean to give my mom an african judge wrapper?+

An ancient one whispepering in the ear+

Annincient one whispepering in the ear+

Dreaming my wife slaughtering a dog+

I had a dream where an eagle body and a humanish head with cream locs was watching the front door when i noticed it said something like why are you scared?+

Someone blowing into my mouth and i wake up coughing+

A strangers name written down on paper+

Wearing double suit tight at the party and dancing with it+

Attending wedding party+

Attending the wedding+

Dream about deceased father watching me+

Wearing gifted earrings+

Squeezing white stuff out of my ear and his ear hole+

Wewak kwap gruap+

Colleagues wearing all white in workplace+

Battered woman+

Old black woman in white dress wanted to see my child+

Water with bubbies in the floor+

Staying dry in water+

White lady with two black kids+

Blue white pearl dress+

White wall disappears when try to touch it?+

A woman voodoo practitioner chase me when i seal hear black magic source power and i escape with the help of two man to hide inside ah house?+

Wearing doctors uniform in a dream+

Girl without hijab usually she wears hijab+

What does it mean to dream of blue smoke coming through your walls?+

The meaning of wearing the same clothes with a group of people in a dream+

Walking and talking with the formal president of our country+

Dream of a glass store window with waterfall on it+

Waterfall on glass window meaning+

Jewish congregation waiting for me+

Oil on a pregnant woman legs+

Rubbing oil on a pregnant woman legs+

Dream of a girl wearing white agbada+

What does it mean for my husband to gift me wrapper in my dream?+

Being in the wilderness in the dream+

I had a dream where my deceased mother was bitten by a white snake?+

Lord kuber name on wall in dream+

A man helped to kill wild buffalo+

Being gifted a white wedding dress by the groom with a beautiful wedding ring+

What does it mean to see save the date of your friends wedding?+

Washing white blankets with stains+

Dreaming of white couples bathing in the river+

What does it mean to wash plenty headgears?+

Washing headgear+

What dose it mean to be friend with a mad woman in your dream?+

Dreaming with co wife+

I am inside the river flowing with the water and iam save+

White bedding+

Winged carabao+

Wearing torn dress+

Wearing kalipoth in dream+

Cedar wood house+

Putting white tilak in my forehead+

Dreamt with my dead mother giving me a white cloth to bath with+

White shiny teeth+

Strawberry blonde woman+

Knocking window hunted+

The word chised+

Mask wearing+

Meaning of hairy body part on a woman+

Wash toilet+

Five chalk board with a white older man+

Putting water from the river into a ow case+

Wood wrapped with green and red cloth meaning spiritually+

Wood with cloth+

Green and red cloth on a wooden piece+


Animal woman+

Gentle wild bull+

Dream of combing dead woman hair+

Waste bin tied up in a city room mean what?+

Dreaming working with the vice president and the president+

Seeing your family worship satan+

Dream about on wine giving my palmwine in a dream+

Woman turning into man+

Watching my daughter being gang raped+

Walking on knees painlessly+

Walking on knees painlessly and swiftly+

Your white gown been stain by poopoo+

Spitting white substance out of your mouth in dream+

What does it mean to eat washed bitter leaf in a dream?+

To work hard with other people in dream+

Seeing a group of white fish in clear water+

Writing my name with purple wax+

Arguing with wife in a dream+

Sick ness waking up sick+

Selling palm wine in the dream+

A woman seeing her head half shaved+

Waves washing away+

Giving a phone number to a man and another man writes it down+

Wild dogs chasing+

White eyes black man+

What does mean to dream of a stranger climbing through your window?+

Videos of green vs black clotheshat does it mean to see myself wearing a checked of green vs black in a dream+

What does it mean to see myself wearing a checked of green vs black in a dream?+

A woman poured acid on my back in the dream+

Washing clothes in a former house+

What does having a dream about pulling wood out your body mean?+

Water borehole+

Dreaming of a white royal lady getting married to a black community wearing a wedding gown+

Goalkeeper wins with zero goal in a full match+

Fly over wife car with son+

Women riding white horse+

Adult wearing nappies+

Someone blew weed smoke in my face+

Dreaming of my self wearing a white dress with touch of gold happy+

Pregnant woman wearing blue shirt and white+

Pregnant wearing blue+

Chicken excrement on whit rice+

Chicken poop on white rice+

Knocking on window with blackbird+

A random girl whispering+

Antique watch face found in river+

Owalkingbin ocean without water+

Watching someone get cremated+

Watching a lover vomit+

Watching a partner vomit+

Watching a partner throwup+

White and beige buildings+

To see your wife neked+

Currawong bird woke me up+

I had a dream that my boyfriend had a hickey on his neck from another woman+

Ba t workshop+

Fire smoke on train and woman crushed by falling boulder+

Dreaming of white chicken flushing down the toilet+

Mad woman trying to touch me+

Mad woman trying to touch you+

Wearing security uniforms in your dream+

Walking nine month old+

Wearing a pink color+

Dream about ex wanting to get back together but she was a different race+


Wildflower growing in hand+

Watching old pictures+

Muffing a chubby woman and some pus came out of the vagine and saw that she has a wound like a bite wound from me+

Meaning of washing airplane in a dream+

Women birth baby+

Washing used sanitary pads+

Wearing immigration uniform in dream+

Fatching water+

Women hating men+

Massaging a women+

Wearing negative clothes in dream+

Dog in a mud watwr+

Receiving a weavon in the dream+

Receiving a weapon in the dream+

Dreaming my boyfriend is going back to his ex wife+

Pushing empty wheelbarrow+

Worm coming out of a female virginal in my dream+

Anthurium flower white+

Four women visiting together in dream+

Clearing table work uniform+

Work uniform+

Different work+

New work old uniform+

Dreaming of someone wearing a fur coat+

What does it mean when you dream of a friend and that friend ends up dead before you wake and real life not in your dream?+

Dead person wearing dirty clothes+

Why does my dad walks away in my dreams he died two months ago?+

Pastor and his wife eating in my house+

Dream of my wrist watch sinking in spring water very clear u can see the watch thru the clear water+

Pregnant without a womb+

A woman who has ed her pplace of work?+

Saran wrap on feet+

Girlfriend walking in yard+

Huge black bird walking slowly to get to me+

Dream of demonic possession and witnessing murder+

Walking on a dangerous road+

Orange thread wrapped around a person+


White houses+

The meaning of dreaming of white minxs+

Meaning of having a with a white woman+

What does it mean if you dream of a women thats always clothed descently is suddenly wearing a short skirt+

Married woman see herself having a haircut+

I went to buy,potatoes, they were classified by a dead woman, she did nt sell to me but recommended a meat for me+

To recover sugarcane your washes clothes from clothesline+

Saw all in-law wearing nice clothes+

To recover your washes clothes from clothesline+

To recover your washed clothes from line+

Burning diya wick changed into flower shape+

Two weasels one defecates on my left foot+

Two weasels in shits in my left foot+

Weasel poked and peed on my left foot+

Symbols watching something scary+

Pus oozing from wound of husband+

Wachting something scary+

Opened window+

Gathering of people wearing ankara and me+

Women with no +

Water soaking file+

Water soaking a file+

Dreaming of my mother wearing my clothes+

White dog with yellow eyes+

A man with white hair+

Driving on a dark road killing white herd of sheep seeing three brown sheep not moving out of the way+

Wart hog+

Jesienna lista wyzwań+

Dreaming of a black and white cow+

A white cloud in the shape of a hand+

Husband looking at other women+

Tan color puffs fish with worm in mouth+

The meaning of the symbol of snake tied around and waist seen in a dream+

Dreams of looking through windows at night+

Dreams of looking through bedroom window at night+

Dream of knocks on windows+

Dream knocks on windows+

Knocking on windows+

Dream of deceased friend knocking on window zz; gesturing: to come inside+

Dream of deceived friend knocking on my window gesture if for me to allow her to come inside.+

Worshipping god dream interpretation+

Dreams of deceased friend knocking on my window gesturing to wanting to come inside my place.+

Big black cricket left arm landed snd wont leave+

Feet wash in a dream+

Feet heels cracked both of them washing them+

Licking another womans vigina+

In my dream water was coming out of my houses luff together with fresh fish+

Water with cow meanings in kannada+

Water with cow+

Black and white setting+

Dream of carrying oil bean seeds and some fell and a woman rushed to pick but i shouted on her and she took only two of them+

I dream where am sharing water what is the meaning+

Sharing of water+

Picking periwinkles from muddy water+

Wiping diaper+

Dreams of wedding day+

Father wearing earrings+

Throwing a white dress in a river means what+

What is the meaning of this dream...weeding in the.field+

Snakes in a washing machine.+

Black and white pram+

Dreaming a woman bathing+

Dreaming a woman bathing while in periods+

Wound in the right arm+

Wound with orange pus, infection in the arm+

Black mould on toes in water+

Black an white doek wit de tiger+

Dreaming of eating mopane worms+

Dream of flying in the dark, while standing straight witk a bright light guiding me, while holding a small pet snake+

Seeing something written on palm+

Writing ط on hand+

Wudu with oil+

Boiling water baby+

Holiday park gone wrong+

A very small girl was walking towards me+

Bristle fall out after being washed with water+

The word ardonis+


Killing the worms+

Friend driving wood log truck+

Dreamed my husband ran off with a very shprt woman+

Knee walking+

Witnessing suicides in dream+

To be standing near water points+

Being lead to a dirty water so many times+

Male stranger wakes me up middle of night with warning+

Dreaming of moaning worn+

Woken by a strange man protector+

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