Freud believed that the Greek myths of Oedipus and Electra symbolized psychological conditions. Oedipus killed his father and married his mother and Freud claimed this represented a boy’s incestuous desire for his mother and his jealousy towards his father. Electra desired her father and was jealous of her mother. A girl may therefore believe she has been castrated by her mother and is an incomplete male. According to Freud this gave rise to penis envy; the root cause of women’s so- called feelings of inferiority. Freud’s Oedipus complex theory is no longer accepted today but there is no doubt that the mother relationship is the first pivotal relationship in a child’s life and it should be a nurturing, loving and supportive one. Jungians associate her with the Great mother archetype that influences our psychological growth. Each of us has a fundamental, perhaps instinctive drive to bond with a woman at birth and if that bonding does not happen much of what would be considered normal development cannot or does not take place. So mother sometimes represents the survival instinct and what happens in those early years of trying to becoming independent of such needs. In a man’s life if these needs are not met this may result in dependent relationships with older women or inability to commit long term to a relationship. In a woman’s life her relationship with her mother will impact all other relationships and if it is lacking in some way she may find herself nurturing needy males or in forming unsatisfying relationships with both men and women. Scenarios involving the mother figure in dreams are therefore one way of working through and moving forward from these issues. Of course, a dream about your mother could also be just that: a straightforward depiction of the woman who gave us life. How she appears may point to issues in your upbringing or current relationship. Is she proud of you or angry?
Mother Dream Interpretation
Mother Dream Meaning
If you are dreaming about your mother, you may be addressing some real-life issues or concerns about your mother in your dream, or your dream may be based on a valuable memory.
If you dream of being a mother (and you don’t have children in real life), this foretells a surprising turn of events concerning a cause you believed to be lost.
The general image of “mother” in a dream may symbolize a variety of feelings and ideas: caring, nurturing, love, acceptance, hard work, sacrifice, etc.
The mother in your dream could also represent that force, or current, inside of you that nudges you on and inspires you.
It is your intuition and the knowledge that lives deep within your soul.
To dream that your mother is trying to hurt or kill you, probably reflects your anxiety over your real-life relationship with your mother. Something she has been doing - possibly restricting you in some way, or a way she behaves - threatens your emotional happiness. This dream can also come from feelings of guilt or anxiety about becoming more indepedent from your mother, as you grow older.
If you dream about your boyfriend’s mother, this is a postive sign, meaning that after much disagreement, things will be resolved in a pleasant and friendly manner. However, if you dreamed of arguing or having tension with your boyfriend’s mom, this predicts that you will be highly annoyed by insensitive people around you.
Mother Dream Interpretation
Dreaming of this figure is usually more common during childhood. In adults, however, the maternal figure appears through indirect references. Often, those who fail to reach maturity still have these dreams. Acts of rebellion against the mother are also frequent. These episodes manifest adolescent dissatisfaction, the need for independence, and the desire to break away from the maternal ties. A dream of this kind can occur at any age. On the other hand, Freud referred to the Greek myth of Oedipus, who killed his father to marry his mother. According to the psychoanalyst, Oedipus was driven to this crime by incestuous desire and envy of his father. As for women, Freud believed that their feelings of inferiority were based on the jealousy they felt toward men. (See COAT, WHITE, FOUNTAIN, INCEST, MOON)
Legends and myths of many traditions contain the symbol of the mother. She may appear as a figure of generosity or, on the contrary, be that bad guy in the story.
Mother Dream Interpretation
If this does not happen, fears and doubts may arise. In a man’s life this may result in continually developing dependent relationships with older women, or denying his right to a relationship completely. His dreams may highlight this difficulty until such times as he is prepared to address the problem. As he grows to maturity he may experience dreams that highlight the loss of his mother. In a woman’s life, her relationship with her mother will colour all other relationships. Negatively, she may find herself pushed into nurturing the needy male, or in forming relationships with both men and women that do not satisfy her basic needs. There are many ways through dreams of working through relationships with mother, both symbolically and otherwise, and much can be gained by daring to take this step. Provided we have come to terms with and understood this relationship, much material and spiritual success can be achieved. Positive images of mothering and motherhood may also give us access to archetypal material that is connected with mother earth and our place in the world.
Mother Dream Meaning
The relationship that we have with our mother is the most psychologically significant relationship of all. Rarely all good or all bad, our mothers always invoke powerful emotions. We may dream about our mothers in many different forms. She may be disguised in our dreams, and it is our job to find her in there.
If you are dreaming about your mother, you may be addressing some issues or concerns in your dream, or your dream may be based on a valuable memory.
The general image of “mother” in a dream may symbolize a variety of feelings and ideas: caring, nurturing, love, acceptance, hard work, sacrifice, martyrdom, etc.
The mother in your dream could also represent the “collective unconscious,” the source of the “water of life,” and the yin. Carl Jung suggests that women in dreams represent our collective unconscious and men the collective consciousness. Thus, the woman is that force, or current, inside of you that nudges you on and inspires you.
It is your intuition and the knowledge that in not necessarily attached to words. Men, on the other hand, represent the active part of us that use the information received to create the physical reality of our lives. When the two are working together well, we have balance and experience awareness leading to peace and productivity.
See Parents
Mother Dream Interpretation
If the mother is anxiously looking after the child: someone’s misfortune is going to affect you. Dreaming about your deceased mother: you have done your grief-work; the dream could also be a warning about taking thoughtless actions you might later regret.
Depth Psychology: If vou rarelv dream about vour own mother, that is, in the eyes of psychologists, a sign that your emotional connection to your mother is good.
If you dream about your mother frequently, you may fear that you will never become emotionally independent. Unresolved childhood issues are another reason for frequent dreams about your mother.
If the dream is positive: you are at peace with yourself and the feminine and unconscious aspects of your personality.
See Father.
Mother Dream Meaning
The mother archetype appears in many forms—mother, princess and witch— and is symbolized by the primordial mother, or ‘earth mother’, of mythology, by Eve and Mary in Western traditions, and by less personal symbols, such as the church, the nation, a forest or the ocean. According to Jung, someone whose own mother failed to satisfy the demands of the archetype may well be one that spends his or her life seeking comfort in the church, or in identification with ‘the motherland’, or in meditating upon the figure of Mary, or in a life at sea. In dreams, mother figures suggest nurturing aspects of ourselves and others, or the need for greater compassion and selflessness; they can, however, also suggest the shadow side, which is overprotection, abandonment, cruelty and abuse. Bear in mind that the qualities that are associated with this archetype can be expressed in other than biological ways, such as giving birth to books or ideas, or nurturing others.
Mother Dream Interpretation
The mother in a dream, as well as in fairy tales, is often the helper whose strength, in a negative as well as positive sense, reaches beyond death. She is the Witch, the Wise Old One, who gives correct advice, the Earth and the goddess of the earth.
The symbol of the mother also addresses the task of self-discipline. Be a good mother to yourself and thereby become productive.
According to Jung, the mother is the archetypal symbol of “the secret, the hidden, the dark, the abyss, the temptation, the poisonous, and the inescapable.”
Mother Dream Meaning
It is probable that you are experiencing some difficulties in seeking out your own identity because of your close ties with your own mother.
To dream that you are having a conversation with your mother means that something is bothering you and you are unsure of how to handle it. This may be an unresolved issue with your mother.
To hear your mother call you in a dream signifies that you have been lazy in attending to your duties and responsibilities. You are being reminded to get your act together.
To hear your mother cry in your dream symbolizes disease and unfortunate events.
Mother Dream Interpretation
To dream of talking with her indicates anxiety.
To hear her calling you, sorrow because of her absence, or your guilty conscience.
To see her in an accident or dead is sometimes a wishful dream; she will not interfere. This last type of dream must be studied carefully because there would be symbols and surroundings that would round out the interpretation.
Mother Dream Interpretation
To hold her in conversation, you will soon have good news from interests you are anxious over.
For a woman to dream of mother, signifies pleasant duties and connubial bliss.
To see one’s mother emaciated or dead, foretells sadness caused by death or dishonor.
To hear your mother call you, denotes that you are derelict in your duties, and that you are pursuing the wrong course in business.
To hear her cry as if in pain, omens her illness, or some affliction is menacing you.
Mother Dream Meaning
(2) In a man’s dream, mother may symbolize the feminine side of his psyche (See Brother/ Sister, sections (4)-(6)).
(3) Mother may symbolize the unconscious; intuition; natural and instinctive life; the source of nourishment and growth for the psyche.
Mother Dream Meaning
See Goddess Demeter.
Mother Dream Interpretation
• Sometimes these dreams represent survival issues but generally they signify a need to explore the relationship with your real mother and how that is affecting your current relationships.
• Do you judge your mothering abilities? Do you need to “mother” yourself more when this ream occurs?
Mother Dream Interpretation
If your relationship with your mother is or was good, you can expect happy times ahead. But if it was strained, someone may try to coerce you into doing something by pointing out things that he or she has done for you. Astrological parallels: The Moon (mother) Tarot parallels: The Empress
Mother Dream Meaning
Mother Dream Interpretation
If negative feelings, often reflects hatred or resentment of own motherly self which gives away power to others, lacks self- love, takes care of others needs and neglects own.
See Female.
Mother Dream Meaning
To dream that you have lost your mother indicates her sickness.
Mother Dream Interpretation
Mother Dream Meaning
It is an omen that you will gain the esteem of the world through your uprightness.
Mother Dream Interpretation
2. Church or something that nurtures you;
3. Natural mother; Eph. 5:25, 31-32; Gal. 4:29:2 Tim. 1:5.
Mother Dream Meaning
Mother Dream Interpretation
Mother Dream Interpretation
[24]Mother Dream Interpretation
[25]Mother Dream Meaning
Mother Dream Meaning
Mother Dream Interpretation
Mother Dream Interpretation
Mother Dream Interpretation
Mother Dream Interpretation
Mother Dream Meaning
Mother Dream Meaning
altercation with: wil take patience and an apology to quel animosity.
anxiously watching her child: are over-involved in another’s misfortune.
being dead: danger to property and you, personal y.
and speaking with her: are fol owing the wrong path and need to correct direction.
crazy: your business holdings are in danger; seek aid only from the family.
healthy: a family gathering gives you guidance; care wil take place.
in danger: your careless words are regretful; do better with your actions.
caressing her children: need comfort and protection from anxious days of il ness.
crying, your: must not let problems last past your childhood.
embracing own: expect good fortune and support from home.
hitting own: a catastrophe is ahead;must turn back to heritage for emotional security.
holding you in her bosom: sexual y insecure men can relate more easily.
homage to your, paying: peace and tranquility with pleasant memories.
in-law: an argumentative environment precipitated by you.
killing your: an inevitable death in the family, keep your anxieties quiet until then.
lap, sitting on: are hiding from the responsibility of ending an estrangement with her.
living with own: a security ful of compromises and limited functions.
of own: need someone to tel you it wil be al right.
seeing own, while far away: wil return to shelter, love and nurture your children.
step: the flexibility and adaptability of situational comedy.
Mother Dream Interpretation
If one is going through difficulties and sees his mother in a dream, it means that help will come his way from sources he does not anticipate. Ifin real life he is awaitingsomeone’s return from ajourney, that person could arrive shortly. Ifone is sick, it means that he will be cured from his illness. Ifone sees his mother giving birth to him, should he be ill in real life, then it means the approach of his death, for a deceased is wrapped in a shroud, while a new born is wrapped with a receiving cloth. Ifthe person in question is poor, then seeing his mother in a dream means that his financial conditions will change for the better.lfhe is rich, it means restrictions of his earnings, for a child is dependent on others, and his movements are restricted.
(See Earth)